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我用铁铲挖掘。I dug with a spade.

我只剩一张黑桃了。I've only one spade left.

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他手中的黑桃Q被迫垫了出来。His spade Q was sweated down.

他把铲子放在门边。He laid the spade by the door.

土块“粘”在铁铲上。Clods of soil stuck to the spade.

她把一个小铲子塞到我手里。She shoved a tiny spade into my hands.

你如果有黑桃牌,就必须打出来。You must play a spade if you have one.

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明手放掉了首攻的黑桃8。The opening spade 8 is ducked in dummy.

他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。He's smart to ruff a spade AT trick one.

铁铲切进了砾石累累的土地When the spade sinks into gravelly ground

你可以用铲正在正在边撅个坑。You may dig a hole with a spade over there.

抛掉你的小黑桃准备最后一搏。Get rid of your baby spade for the end play.

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有人用铲刀在空中砍下去了。Someone struck through the air with a spade.

我认为每个人都应该有话直说。I think everyone should call a spade a spade.

我的搭档先出黑桃,使我感到吃惊。My partner surprised me by leading with a spade.

这园林工感到铁锹碰到一个硬物。The gardener felt something hard with his spade.

杜鹃无语正傍晚,荷锄回去掩重门。With my spade I return and shut the doors tight.

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手把花锄出绣帘,忍踏落花来复去。Spade in hand, I go out from under my fine curtain

手拿着花铲,我从漂亮的门帘下走出。Spade in hand, I go out from under my fine curtain.

我本来不该让他偷偷夺取开始的一墩黑桃牌。I shouldn't have let him steal an early spade trick.