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有些板栅碎块可能立即堆积在刮刀的地方。Some of the grid sections will accumulate immediately in the trowel areas.

砂浆可用喷枪喷涂或者抹子手工涂抹。The plaster is applied with a sprayer or by hand using a twohanded trowel.

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那把泥铲现在就在我的手上,尽管许多年来把柄松了。The same trowel rests in my hand now, though the handle has loosened over the years.

“你可以放下那个泥刀”,一个声音在杰希背后说到。" You can lay that trowel down, " a voice behind Jesse said. " Then raise your hands.

基础混凝土表面用泥刀刮平后就当成地面了。The surface of the foundation concrete is finished off with trowel to serve as floors.

她用泥铲把土翻了又翻,又弄平,再拍结实。With her trowel she turned the soil over and over, and smoothed it and patted it firm.

“就是这个,”我边说边从短披风的褶裥下拿出把泥刀。"It is this, " I answered, producing from beneath the folds of my roquelaire a trowel.

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使用手抹子混合,应用和传播砂浆,水泥,乳香,胶水或其他粘合剂。Mix, apply and spread mortar, cement, mastic, glue or other adhesives using hand trowel.

手握铁鎚跟铲子,我们不再是孑然一身。我们有敌对之物,可以让我们完成。Hammer or trowel in hand, we no longer stand alone—we have an adversary, something to accomplish.

使用泥刀和宽刀,用接缝填料补缝填充连接处,指甲痕,孔洞和裂缝。Fill joints, nail indentations, holes and cracks with joint compound using trowel and broad knife.

待混凝土初凝前,再采用铁抹子进行次混凝土表面收光。And the secondary surface leveling shall be carried out with steel trowel before initial curdle of concrete.

在排水沟、雨水口处找出泛水,冲筋后即可进行抹找平层。It finds flashing at draining ditch and rain water opining. It can begin leveling with trowel after screeding.

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用你们镘与桶旁的帐篷里,然后用一小瓶与它填补它未定义的液体。Use your Trowel with the barrels next to the tent, and then use a Vial with it to fill it with Undefined Liquid.

花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop.

混凝土浇注成型后,用木抹子进行混凝土表面收平,要求混凝土表面平整。After completion of concrete casting, the trowel shall be used for surface leveling of concrete to ensure the surface smooth.

松土,用耙或土叉把准备耕种的地全部耙松,尽量平整松散。Loosen the soil in the entire planting area with a claw, border fork or hand trowel until it is smooth and light—almost fluffy.

这传闻本身就越来越硬和更加顽固地附着在岁月身上,要用泥瓦刀敲打好多次才能打掉那古老的自负。Such sayings themselves grow harder and adhere more firmly with age, and it would take many blows with a trowel to clean an old wiseacre of them.

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产品以弯曲机、切断机、抹光机、冲击夯、升降机、搅拌机、配料机、振动夯等建筑机械产品!Products to the bending machine, cutting machine, trowel machine, impact rammer, elevators, mixers, ingredients, vibrating compaction and other construction machinery products!

分析浓缩池刮泥机运转过程中污泥运动情况,改直线刮泥板为曲线刮泥板,提高了刮泥机工作效率。Analyze sludge movement in the course of the mud scraper in concentrated pond operating, changes the straight line trowel to the curve trowel, raises the mud scraper working efficiency.