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膝盖周围疼痛,有时候在膝盖后面。Pain around and sometimes behind the kneecap.

膝部的骨由股骨胫骨、骸骨及排骨构成。The bone of knee joint consists of thighbone, shinbone, kneecap and fibula.

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当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee.

随身带上安全配置和护膝护腕等,并穿运动鞋。Bring security allocation such as kneecap and cuff etc usually, and wear sneakers.

不要推你的膝关节自己回来,即使你正在拉你的膝盖向内。Don't push your knee itself back, even though you are drawing your kneecap inward.

如果你膝盖移动出轨或蹭到了侧面,那就会出问题。But trouble appears when your kneecap moves out of its track, or rubs up against its sides.

在第二栏,他们请我们列出我们不断“打击”自己的方法。In the second column, they ask us to list all the ways that we routinely kneecap ourselves.

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拜纳姆在1月13号比赛中左膝受伤,骨头被撞,膝盖骨暂时脱臼。Bynum injured his left knee on Jan. 13, suffering a bone bruise and briefly dislocated kneecap.

在星期天拜林遭受了左膝盖脱臼,并且至少休养八个星期。Bynum suffered a dislocated left kneecap on Sunday and will be sidelined for at least eight weeks.

拜纳姆在一月份的比赛中膝盖骨被撞,导致膝盖骨脱臼。Bynum sustained a bone bruise in his left knee and he briefly dislocated his kneecap in the January game.

自1月13号比赛中膝盖受伤后,拜纳姆就一直未出现在赛场上。Bynum has been out since Jan. 13, when he suffered a bone bruise on the knee and a briefly dislocated kneecap.

在下半场埃文斯的臀部被对方膝盖狠狠顶伤,而后埃夫拉的膝盖骨也被博尔顿球员踢伤。He got a knee in the hip in the second half which was pretty painful, while Patrice got a kick on the kneecap.

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相对较弱的股四头肌不能保持髌骨在正确的轨迹中运动,因此造成了疼痛。Your relatively weak quads aren't strong enough to keep your kneecap moving in its proper groove, which causes pain.

她拭去我腿上残留的绿色药膏,然后轻轻摇了摇我的膝盖骨,摸着感觉什么。She wiped the last of the green herbal goo off my leg, then sort of jiggled my kneecap around a bit, feeling for something.

长跑者中一个常见的抱怨,跑步者的膝盖感觉周围酸痛,有时在膝盖骨后面。A common complaint among long-distance runners, runner's knee feels like a soreness around and sometimes behind the kneecap.

为了不让几美元的狗粮洒掉,我摔了一跤,并把膝盖摔裂了。Last week, Iwrote how I had once fractured my kneecap in a fall, trying to keep from spilling a few dollars' worth of dog food.

再说拜纳姆,这是一个不同的赛季,不同的膝盖和不同的伤病,韧带撕裂和膝盖骨关节错位是不同的。For Bynum, it's a different season, a different knee and a different injury, a torn ligament as opposed to a dislocated kneecap.

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临床上称为膝盖软骨软化症或者髌股疼痛症,它是膝盖骨里面的软骨炎症。Known clinically as chondromalacia patella or patellafemoralpain syndrome, it's inflammation of the cartilage under your kneecap.

在他的时代,不确定的留学回国脱臼,并严重受损,髌骨可能导致弊多于利,在这一点上。At his age, the uncertainty of returning from a dislocated and severely bruised kneecap could cause more harm than good at this point.

他拼尽全力把自己的膝盖撞向水池里,疼痛使冰凉的血液从他的心脏向整个身体喷散。He drove his kneecap into the sink as hard as he could make himself. The pain sent icy blood in every direction starting at his heart.