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约翰的名誉受到了损害。John has a damaged reputation.

遭到损坏的船只朝左侧倾斜。The damaged ship listed to port.

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他们拒绝收损坏的货物。They rejected the damaged goods.

早霜损害了庄稼。An early frost damaged the crops.

哈里锯在钉子上弄坏了锯子。Harry damaged the saw on a nail.

损失估计达1000元人民币。Damaged were assessed at 1000 RMB.

我想我的脑额叶受到损害了。I think I damaged my frontal lobe.

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一节损坏相当严重的车厢。And an extremely badly damaged car.

受损的油槽里喷出了污浊的原油。The damaged sump spouted dirty oil.

叫啸着的狂风把一棵大树都吹折了。The roaring wind damaged a big tree.

那艘受损的船费力地驶回港口。The damaged ship limped back to port.

船向左舷倾斜七度。The damaged ship was leaning to port.

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电线坏了,电饭锅不可使用了。The damaged wire blew out the cooker.

刺辊齿丢失或破损。Missing or damaged teeth in licker-in.

我们得用支柱撑住坏了的竹篱。We have to shore up the damaged fence.

她的神庙在1686年被土耳其人破杯。Her Temple was damaged by Turk in 1686.

用油管裁截器截去受损的油管。Cut off damaged tube with Tubing Cutter.

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分梳罗拉包覆针布破损或变形。Damaged or bent opening roller clothing.

如果没有损坏,则轻轻地关闭阀瓣。If not damaged gently close the clapper.

这次霜冻,受害的庄稼不少。A lot of crops were damaged by the frost.