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真的?你买东西经常讨价还价吗?Really? Do you always dicker over prices?

她要和他交换那支钢笔。She wanted to dicker with him for the pen.

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他宁愿死也不愿意讨价还价。He would rather die than dicker over prices.

你是一位真正的谈判高手,但你如果坚持这样的报价的话我们是不可能接受的。The price is lower than our cheapest price and I can 't accept your dicker any more.

与国会保持一直,那也是国会的惯例,也是奥巴马现在的计划。The race to dicker with Congress in the same way Congress always deals is now the plan.

“我们认为放射敏感性主要与细胞周期蛋白D1相关,”狄克博士说。"We think that the radiosensitization is primarily due to cyclin D1, " Dr. Dicker says.

他说,很显然汽油价格跟原油的供应与需求毫无关系。It turns out, Dicker says, that the price has nothing to do with supply and demand for oil.

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英国的君主时不时还得跟该国的富人讨价还价以求财政支持。English monarchs periodically had to dicker with its wealthier subjects for financial resources.

Dicker透露利比亚每日的石油产量仅130万桶,仅占世界原油市场的很小部分。Dicker notes that Libya produces only 1.3 million barrels of oil a day, just a tiny fraction of the world oil market.

Dicker特别感到轻蔑的是很多中小投资者把原油ETF基金当做投资多样化的工具。Dicker is particularly contemptuous of oil ETFs of the kind that many small investors have used as vehicles to diversify their holdings.

在这样的市场,投资银行用于所有的优势,而正常的中小投资者仅仅是他们的饲料。"In these markets, they way they are set up, with all the edges with investment banks, the regular investor is just fodder, " Dicker says.

安理会此举表明,正义等待着为了继续掌权而违法攻击人员的利比亚安全指挥官。“The Security Council action shows that justice awaits Libyan security commanders who unlawfully attack people to stay in power,” said Dicker.

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目前共有75种期货合约在交易所挂牌交易,Dicker估计金融市场上的原油交易比实体市场交易总额要大15倍之多。Dicker estimates the financial market for oil is 15 times greater than the amount of actual oil being traded, with 75 types of futures being sold on exchanges.

她留下信,让罗大全不要再回提篮洞,走得越远越好,以后做个小生意别做想着当匪首了。She leaves a letter, let Luo Daquan do not want farewell to carry basket hole, go Yue Yuanyue is well, do not do a dicker later wanting to become bandit chief.

Dicker如此强烈呼吁对石油市场更强管制的一个原因是因为根本就没有人知道这个市场到底有多大,也无人知晓每天的基准是多少。One of the reasons Dicker is calling for greater regulation of the oil market is that no one really knows how large it is or what is going on it on a day-to-day basis.