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随后布冯神勇封出范尼单刀。Afterward cloth Feng seals the Fannie single tool supernaturally brave.

祷告神透过超自然的方式,以祂的平安造访这个土地上的每个百姓。Pray that God supernaturally visits everyone living in the land with His Shalom.

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吗哪是一种神从天上降下的甜味薄并。Manna was a sweet gum or resin type of bread that God supernaturally sent from Heaven.

耶利哥的居民也会明显看出,是以色列的上帝奇迹式的使高大…It was God of Israel who supernaturally caused the high , double- thick walls to collapse.

撒迦利亚说耶稣再来时,天空会极不寻常地变黑暗。At the time of Jesus' second coming, Zechariah foretells that the skies will be supernaturally darkened.

古怪可怕的冥河船夫努力地划着水,它们超乎寻常的高超技艺胜任这项工作。Horrid and fantastic boatmen called marraenoloths ply its waters, their skills supernaturally competent.

我国另一位选手金龙则遗憾的被状态神勇的哈罗德淘汰,止步48强。Our country another contestant Jinlong regret is eliminated by condition supernaturally brave Harold, halts 48.

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哈里斯状态神勇,在他的得分助攻的带动下,队友进攻势如破竹。The Harris condition is supernaturally brave, under his score secondary attack's lead, the teammate attacks with irresistible force.

本来两人的实力存在一定的差距,但丁宁面对李晓霞却打的异常神勇。Original two person of strength existence certain disparity, but exhorted that actually hits facing Li Xiaoxia exceptionally supernaturally brave.

阿德巴约的神勇表现也逐渐让枪手忘记了之前的海布里国王亨利。Before the Arab League German Pakistan supernaturally brave performance approximately also gradually let the ringer forget in the sea cloth King Henry.

一个人四十天不喝水、不进食是不可能活命的,但上帝神奇的维持了摩西的性命,而这次以色列人也通过了试验。It is impossible for a person to go without food and water for forty days, but God supernaturally sustained Moses. This time the Israelites passed the test.

对爱伦坡最著名的同名悲剧叙事诗的生动再现,用超自然的手法悼念年轻恋人的死亡。A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover.

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如同使徒行传中所记载的,在这段被逼迫的时间,求主使信徒变得更刚强,并且神要以超自然的方式运行,带来教会增长。Pray that during this time of persecution, as in the Book of Acts, the believers will grow stronger, God will move supernaturally and that the church will multiply.

双方易地再战,火箭状态重回神勇,渐渐缩小了比分差距,并在第三节结束时战成80平。Both sides move fight again, the rocket condition re-enters supernaturally brave, reduced the score disparity gradually, and when the third conclusion fights evenly 80.

虽然大家没有任何真正的作战经验,但和战友们并肩作战的自豪感和神勇气概却是丝毫不逊色。Although everybody not any true operational experience, but fights side-by-side with the allies the sense of pride and the supernaturally brave spirit are actually not inferior.

尽管此后何姿连连紧追,将分数差距缩小到只有3分,但董俊每一跳也都发挥得神勇。Although hereafter what posture pursues tightly again and again, reduces the score disparity to only then 3 points, but Dong Jun every one jumps also displays supernaturally brave.

在曾是夜间的时段,柔和、温暖的阳光和因太阳低悬而形成的长长的阴影使优美的景色变成了朦胧的、几乎如神话般美丽的浮雕。At what used to be nighttime the soft, warm light and the long shadows from the low-hanging sun bring the scenic backdrops into dreamlike and almost supernaturally beautiful relief.

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虽然纳瓦罗继续神勇表现,但是首节结束前拉德马诺维奇的扣篮还是帮助湖人29-19领先结束第一节比赛。Although Nawaluo continues to display supernaturally brave, but before the first conclusion, the rad horse Nuoweiqi slam dunk helped Lakers 29-19 to be in the lead ends the first competition.