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它可以告诉我们是否缺少值,或者是否存在生僻的值。It can tell us whether or not values are missing or outlying.

所有在外的圣坛和圣地都必须被消除。All of the outlying alters and sacred places must be destroyed.

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我们的护航船,以及几个边远哨站都受到了攻击。Our convoys have been attacked, as well as some outlying outposts.

那些偏远的村庄于去年正式被并入该镇。The outlying villages were formally annexed by the town last year.

首先,迫使外围士兵退回大本营,然后再袭击整个敌营。First,drive in the outlying men and then attack the whole enemy force.

在262个边远的小岛之中有几个是有渡轮服务的。There are 262 outlying islands and several are served by regularferries.

本地送货不包括离岛及鄕村。Local Delivery service is not available to outlying islands and villages.

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旁观者一定清楚吗?旁观者也不过是置身事外的主观者罢了。Does the onlookers see the most? He himself is just a outlying subjectivist.

铲斗可以以配套部件的方式运至边远地区然后进行组装。Buckets may be shipped to outlying regions in kit form and assembled on site.

新西兰警告高达3米的海浪可能袭击南港岛和偏远的岛屿。New Zealand has warned waves up to 3m could hit South Island and outlying islands.

但在其他的省份仍然存在着对更多歌集的庞大需求。There is still a great demand for more songbooks in many of the outlying provinces.

目前这项服务只在东京及其近郊区县提供。The service is currently only available in Tokyo and immediate outlying prefectures.

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利比亚空军轰炸了班加西的机场,外围的军营和军火库。Libyan jets bombed the Benghazi airstrip, outlying military barracks, and arms depots.

边远的疆土被纳入帝国,变成复杂的阿芝科特社会的一部分。Outlying lands were inducted into the empire and became part of the complex Aztec society.

但是生活在周边村庄,城镇及农田的人民,都要交税。But the people in the outlying villages and towns and farms and everything would pay taxes.

假若希望到离岛吸一吸新鲜空气,除非小轮关掉引擎吧。Fancy some fresh air on the outlying islands? Wait till the ferries switch off their engines.

但此一配额限制并不适用于离岛如金门和澎湖。This quota restriction, however, will not apply to outlying islands such as Kinmen and Penghu.

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他们有的是去那里上大学,有的去学校然后晚上又回到边远地方。They go in there to go to university, to go to school and then return to outlying areas at night.

明朝是八番土司存在的高潮时期,大大地加速了八番地区的去边远化过程。Ming Dynasty is the climax which greatly accelerates Bafan chieftains to go to the outlying process.

包括利菲河谷和Blanchardstown在内的偏僻的购物中心昨天也个丰收日。Outlying shopping centres including Liffey Valley and Blanchardstown also had a bumper day yesterday.