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我为什么说犹太人?Why do I say Jewish?

埃琳娜•卡根是犹太人。Elena Kagan is Jewish.

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我就是“犹太披头士”。I was like the Jewish Beatle.

调查中有一些人是犹太人Some of the sample was Jewish.

他们高叫要犹太人的血。They screamed for Jewish blood.

德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。The German poet Heine was Jewish.

什么,天使给了犹太人律法?What? Angels gave the Jewish law?

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我的犹太名是伊丽莎白·瑞秋。My Jewish name is Elisheba Rachel.

他指的是犹太教圣经。He's talking about Jewish scripture.

以利沙,难道没有犹太麻风病人吗?Are there are no Jewish lepers,Elisha?

那“Menelaus“是常见犹太人名吗?"Menelaus" is that a good Jewish name?

巴格达迪犹太商人在1844年抵达。Baghdadi Jewish traders arrived in 1844.

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我必须坦白,我已经结婚且我是犹太人。I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish.

音乐对你们来说意味着什么?What does Klezmer music mean to the Jewish?

我们研习圣经,学习犹太人的思想。We study the Bible, we study Jewish thought.

不骗你,我绝对不会跟犹太妈妈们比拼。Believe me, I can’t compete with Jewish moms.

犹太人过光明节。Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah.

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六个世纪以来,这儿是犹太人的克拉科夫。For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow.

犹太历中一年的第十一个月。The 11th month of the year in the Jewish calendar.

这是犹太龙泡芙最喜欢的犹太传统食品。It's Puff the Jewish Dragon's favorite kosher dish.