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居住地在河北省保定市。Residence at Baoding City.

保定市益林干燥设备有限公司。Baoding Yilin Drying Equipment Co. , Ltd.

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颜李学派是闻名世界的学术流派,而保定则是颜李学派的发祥地。Yan-Li school is world famed, and Baoding is the cradle.

全部宝鼎古朴凝重,气魄弘大,非常宏伟。Baoding entire ancient dignified, magnify very ambitious.

审讯得知,犯罪嫌疑人刘喜为聋哑人,现年21岁,保定人。Trial that the suspect as Liu deaf, 21-year-old, who Baoding.

中国旅游,重庆大足石刻崖,保定山。China travel, Chongqing Dazu Cliff Rock Carvings, Baoding Mountain.

保定是一个城市的历史可追溯至西汉时期。Baoding is a city with a history dating back to the Western Han Dynasty.

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28日,恒大女排将在保定迎来其首场比赛,对手是河北队。Hengda's first match will be against Team Hebei in Baoding on November 28.

李刚是河北省东北部城市保定的警察局副局长。Li Gang was the deputy police chief of Baoding city in northeastern Hebei province.

这虽是民间传说,但保定的春不老确实有独到之处。Although this is a folk legend, but the spring is not the old Baoding indeed unique.

作者首先报告传染性法氏囊病在保定地区已经存在。The authors first reported that there is Infectious Bursal Disease in Baoding region.

卤煮豆腐是保定有名的小吃,其中杨世荣的卤煮豆腐较为有名。Baoding Luzhu Tofu is a famous snack, which is more famous for Yang Shirong's Luzhu tofu.

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保定市郊区普遍栽培,分布较广,但面积不大。Baoding suburban general cultivation, widely distributed, but the small size. In suburbs.

目前,保定横歧调剧团是演出这一戏曲的专业团体。At present, Baoding Hengqi Troupe is the professional troupe to perform this kind of opera.

二十五年后的一个春天,从关东开进一趟列车,直向保定驰来。One spring say, twenty-five years later, a train pulled towards Baoding from the Northeast.

为了验证模型正确与适用与否,选取了保定市简化路网作为论文的研究对象。For validating the model, the paper chooses Baoding city simple road network as study object.

保定市接待中心方案设计对这个命题进行了有益的探索。The design of the reception center of Baoding city makes a valuable exploration to this topic.

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结论在保定市蠡县皮毛加工人群中尚未发现鼠疫隐性感染者。Conclusion There was no plague recessive in coat-processor from coat market of Li county, Baoding city.

本个体商贸,地处河北保定市,交通便利,辐射京、津和保定地区。The individual business, is located in hebei BaoDingShi, Radiation in Beijing, Tianin and Baoding area.

经过直隶于1928年取消保定成为新成立的河北省省会。After Zhili province was abolished in 1928 Baoding became the capital of the newly formed Hebei province.