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他们的成员互通婚姻,融合信仰与传统。Their members intermarry and combine beliefs and traditions.

他们未被禁止与当地人通婚。They were not forbidden to intermarry with the local people.

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所**族将会通婚,说一种语言,成为一大家庭。All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

其次,在四世纪对罗马人和不列颠人通婚。Second, never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry.

中国大陆很少和外族通婚更别说嫁给那些非洲人了。Mainland chinese seldom intermarry let alone marrying those of African descent.

在埃及,其实只有半神圣的王室是唯一具有排他性的阶级,才是不能和其他阶级通婚的。The only exclusive class in egypt which did not intermarry was the semi-divine royal family.

我们岂可再违背你的命令,与这行可憎之事的民结亲呢?Shall we again break your commands and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices?

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我国著名的优生学家潘光旦先生在近代对早婚、近亲结婚、同姓结婚等问题的看法并非如现在一些学者所介绍的那样持简单反对的态度。Quentin Pan was the famous eugenicist in modern China. He did not argue simply against Marry-early, Intermarry and Same surname marry as some scholars declared.

各民族粗通婚率的比较和标准化通婚率的比较以及各民族分性别、年龄通婚率。This thesis includes, the comparision of gross intermarry rate and standarized intermarry rate between those minorities, and the intermarry rate on sex and age.

论到这些国的人,耶和华曾晓谕以色列人说,你们不可与她们往来相通,因为她们必诱惑你们的心去随从她们的神。They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, 'You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.

或许如果人类丢下与你们物种的破坏性思想形态之间通婚的渴望,就不会制造与海豚和鲸鱼王国的业力。Perhaps if humans had left their desire to intermarry between destructive thought-forms to your own species, this would have not created karma with the dolphin and whale kingdoms.

他赞同适度的早婚,认为近婚有弊亦有利,对限制人口和节制生育的看法是提倡一种“有选择限制”的观点。He agreed with the opportune Marry-early, thought that Intermarry have its advantage just as its disadvantage, and advocated "the selective limit" to the population-limit and the birth-control.

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我小时候,一个小学老师上课时说不同种族的人通婚是错误的,因为他们生下的孩子长大后会搞不清自己“真正”的身份。In my younger years, a grade school teacher told the class that it was wrong for people of different races to intermarry because the children would grow up confused about their "real" identity.