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我愿意加入学校年刊筹备小组。I'm willing to be a volunteer in preparing for TCS yearbook.

详情请参阅培训行事历上有关活动附件。Please refer to the attachment of the event posted on the TCS for details.

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温度对此类抗生素吸附解吸的影响并不明显。There was unobvious effect of temperature on the absorption of TCs in two soils.

近几年的研究表明,天花粉蛋白对癌症、AIDS等疾病有一定疗效。Recent studies indicated that TCS has curative effect for the treatment of cancer, AIDS etc.

循迹控制系统用来预防车轮在雪地及湿滑的道路上打滑。TCS is equipped to prevent the slippage of the wheels on the snowy ground or slippery roads.

在临床上常规地进行TCS检查有助于更早地开始疾病特性的治疗。The routine use of TCS in the clinic could enable disease-specific therapy to be started earlier.

这些统计结果进一步从诊断事实上说明了地形以及非绝热加热等因子对台风移动的可能影响。It is suggested that topography and diabatic heating play important roles in the motion of landfall TCs.

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在金融危机最严重之时,TCS却将自动签发护照项目这一单大合同收入囊中。At the height of the financial crisis, TCS bagged a large contract to automate the issuance of passports.

潘德还说,TCS中国也在与天津、重庆、大连和成都等城市洽谈这类业务。TCS China is also in talks with the local governments in Tianjin, Chongqing, Dalian and Chengdu, he added.

TCS为华夏银行提供核心银行服务,并为中国外汇交易中心提供交易服务。TCS provides core banking services to Huaxia Bank and trading services to China Foreign Exchange Trade System.

塔塔咨询服务公司将办公场所设在米尔福德店不仅仅是为了接近客户,更是急于着手在美国研究生中招兵买马。TCS set up shop in Milford not only to be closer to clients but to begin in earnest to hire American graduates.

异常形式主要为诱发电位波形消失,提示TCS主要导致神经元轴索损害。Disappearance of the evoked potential was the major change of PTN-SEP, suggesting the damage of neuraxon due to TCS.

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TCS为华夏银行提供核心银行服务,并为中国外汇交易中心提供交易服务。Pande said. TCS provides core banking services to Huaxia Bank and trading services to China Foreign Exchange Trade System.

就其即将面临的美国竞争对手而言,塔塔不过是他们雷达侦测屏边缘的一个小点。For the American rivals it is planning to take on, TCS may so far be no more than a blip on the edge of their radar screens.

椎管扩大探查、脊髓栓系松解、脊膜修补术后未发生TCS病例。There was no case developed TCS in those patients underwent extended surgical exploration, release of TC and repair procedures.

他还说,现在说人民币近期的走强将对TCS中国产生实质性影响还为时尚早。Pande said, adding that it remains too early to say that TCS China will see any material impact from the yuan's recent strength.

今年早些时,塔塔咨询服务称它在华尔街的两家银行客户冻结了其科技支出,并表示在从信贷危机中缓过劲来之前不会解冻。Earlier this year, TCS said two Wall Street banking clients had put a freeze on their tech spending until they could cope with the fallout.

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在某沙矿场的沙地上进行了基于目标控制器的汽车直线行驶牵引力控制实车道路试验。The road test of the TCS based on the target controller for the vehicle driving straightaway was performed on the sand terrain of a sandpit.

TCS是一项易操作、非侵入性、且价廉地有助于帕金森综合征早期鉴别诊断的技术。TCS is an easy to implement, non-invasive, and inexpensive technique that could help in the early differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes.

因为飞机的STC和TC许用这些贴标签的产品,对于销售商来说就不会有其他特殊的责任,因为这些汽油是给飞机用的。Since aircraft STCs and TCs approve the labeled products, there is no special liability for the seller simply because the fuel is sold for aviation.