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那是死还未被腐化的理由。That's why death is still uncorrupted.

上帝的语言意味着与上帝合一,在心智上不受世俗的羁绊。The language of God means integrating your character with God and being uncorrupted.

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当部队最终放他走的时候,他很高兴自己还没堕落。When the army finally let him go, he was pleased to think that he was still uncorrupted.

在黑暗的日子里,林肯没有被权利所污染,阐释了美利坚最崇高之理想。Uncorrupted by power, Lincoln enunciated the nation's loftiest ideals during its darkest moment.

他三元港币创业,能处铜臭之中而不改其心。His venture with three Hong Kong dollars to create a fortune, and foremost to remain uncorrupted.

图像复原的目的是将原始图像从观测到的降析图像中恢复出来。The aim of image restoration is to recover the original uncorrupted images from noisy, blurred ones.

从能够确定的时代的资料表明,火蜥蜴军团的基因种子是比较少出现变异和较为稳定的。As far as can be ascertained, the Salamanders' gene-seed appears to be stable and as yet uncorrupted.

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同我祖母不可动摇的纯粹主义截然相反,阿妈姨的语言是那种最不准确的时髦俚语。As opposed to the uncorrupted purism of my grandmother, Mama's language was the loosest popular slang.

当前高校进一步落实党风廉政建设责任制其有重大的现实意义。It has the "leading" function both in the construction of uncorrupted Party Ethos and in anti-corruption.

在两种方案中,WNN都可以看作是一个区分污染与未污染像素的分类器。WNN can be seen as a classifier to distinguish the corrupted or uncorrupted pixels from others in both approaches.

在廉政建设中,教育系统领导干部的廉洁自律应具有更高的标准。To build an uncorrupted government, education system cadres' probity and self-discipline should have higher standards.

采用最小无污染点集合的中值恢复噪声点,消除了其邻域噪声点的影响。Third, the median of minimum uncorrupted pixel set is used to restore noise pixel, in order to eliminate its neighborhood noise impact.

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因此,本文尝试从政治文化的角度深入分析腐败发生的政治文化根源,探索廉政政治文化的建设路径。This paper is trying to analyze the root of corruption from political cultural perspectives and to find ways to build uncorrupted politics.

廉政文化建设是社会主义和谐社会构建的题中应有之义。The reconstruction of uncorrupted overnment cultural is the proper righteousness which the construction of the socialism harmonious society needs.

在市场条件下,仅靠自律,不受制衡的权力怎能使官员不腐败?Under market economy, how could it be possible to keep officials uncorrupted merely by means of self-discipline without check and balance of power?

这位"光头裁判"以公正著称,被认为是几乎所有球队都乐于抽到的裁判。The referee, with his celebrated bald head and uncorrupted objectivity, is regarded perhaps as the only referee that teams were ever happy to be drawn with.

深刻的洞见是我们最可*的良方,因为这是我们能与实相最纯粹的联络——不为造作所污染、不为诡辩所装饰。Deep insight is our most reliable remedy, for it is the purest contact we can have with reality — contact uncorrupted by pretension and unadorned by sophistry.

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尽管在封建社会也有不少“两袖清风,秉公断案”的清官,但他们不可能从根本上改变社会的追求目标。Despite the fact that there are numerous uncorrupted officials who justly issued verdicts, they could not fundamentally change the pursuing goal of the overall society.

我们要从国务院开始,建设规范的行为机制,以保证政府运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效。We are starting with the State Council, to set an example of conduct, to ensure that our government is well co-ordinated, fair and transparent, uncorrupted and highly efficient.

高校廉政文化建设是高校育人为本理念的有机组成部分,高校的廉政文化有着明确的内涵和独特的功能。The construction of the collegiate uncorrupted culture is an integral part of the university's people-centered philosophy, which has a clear cultural connotation and unique features.