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直到几周前,经济动荡似乎还不在话下。Until recent weeks, the economic troubles seemed surmountable. Mr.

而孔子是太阳和月亮,是不可能超越的。But Confucius is the sun and the moon so that he is not surmountable at all.

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这些都是逾越的障碍,具有强烈的求职计划和专门的执行。These hurdles are surmountable with a strong job search plan and dedicated execution.

当然,如果票价合理且有钱可赚,这些问题也许能够解决。Still, if the ticket price is right and there's money to be made, these problems may be surmountable.

如果布莱尔先生获得了在欧盟具有主导影响力的法德两国的支持,那些问题将迎刃而解。Those problems might be surmountable if Mr Blair had the support of France and Germany, the union’s dominant powers.

生命的特征包括未特定性、独特性、完整性和超越性。The characteristic of the life include non-specialization, uniqueness, comprehensiveness and surmountable possibility.

比这些惊人的技艺更值得关注的是不可避免的失败现象,这让他们显得并非神话般不可战胜。More notable than these accomplishments are the inevitable failures, striking in that they are intrinsically surmountable.

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在浓厚的历史底蕴面前,一切暂时的困难都看起来风轻云淡,BREEZ仿佛受到了圣彼得堡精神的感染,将稳步向前。Compared to the rich history, all the temporary difficulties are surmountable. BREEZ , as if influenced by the spirit of St.

表明该模型能预测车辆越障高度,具有工程应用价值,且获得影响其性能的主要参数。This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained.

好消息是,捕集与储藏技术已经问世,有碍实现的屏障似乎也得以破除。The good news is that the technology for capture and storage already exists and that the obstacles hindering implementation seem to be surmountable.

但是,这些是可以克服的问题,而且大多数专家似乎认为屋顶集雨在让穷人免受气候变化影响方面的作用越来越大。But these are surmountable problems and most experts seem to think there is an increased role for roof catchment in insulating the poor against the effects of climate change.

宋代推动这一地区文化跨越性发展的主要原因是经济发展与人口南迁等的综合结果。The main reason for pushing forward the surmountable development of this area in Song Dynasty is the synthetic results of economical development and population migration towards south.

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因为种种原因,我没办法接受他的情意,两人始终维持在朋友的关系上,没有任何逾越,但他还是时刻关注着我的一切。Due to various reasons, I can not accept his affection, the two have always maintained at a friend's relationship, there is no surmountable , but he was always concerned about all I got.

简单的问题像是该包括哪些书、如何引证我们的资料来源、什麽时候碰面、以及如何在期限内完成,常变得比喜马拉雅山的山峰更难克服。Simple questions like which books to include, how to quote our sources, when to meet, and how to deal with deadlines, became often more in- surmountable , than the next mountain peak in the Himalaya.