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人才是报业的核心竞争力。The person with ability is the core competition of newspapering.

美国报业市场的孕育成熟是在镀金时代形成的。The maturity of newspapering market was formed in the Gilded age.

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以正确的舆论引导人,是新闻工作的根本任务。Lead a person with true public opinion, it is the basic task of newspapering.

这是中国媒体开展对外新闻工作必须面对的实际。This is Chinese media is begun external what newspapering must face is actual.

中国早期报业近代化的每一步履,都留下了他们辛勤耕耘的足迹。They have played an important role in the modernization of Chinese early newspapering.

他是最早期的博主,也是最早将写博客作为报人职责的那一拨人。He was an early blogger, and one of the first to blog as part of his newspapering duties.

报业市场化的目的是要建立发达的报业市场体系。The aim of making the newspapering with the quality of market is to set up an ideal newspapering market system.

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从传媒业自身看,以网络为代表的新媒体的兴起,对报业带来直接挑战。From media industry itself, the rise up of new media such as network has formed direct challenge to newspapering.

然而报业跨区域经营还处于起步阶段,对于新闻业界来说是一个崭新课题。The trans-region management of newspapering is still in the elementary step, and is the new phenomenon for the news circle.

随着我国报业集团化进程的快速发展,报业集团跨媒体经营的步伐也在加快。As grouping processes of newspapering become faster and faster, newspapering groups speed up their cross-media management steps.

针对报业广告决策的特点,运用数据仓库技术和决策支持系统的思想开发出一套适应面广、灵活性高的智能决策支持系统。An intelligent decision support system with good adaptability and flexibility for newspapering advertisement is developed by means of data warehouse technology and DSS.

镀金时代是美国现代报业形成的温润土壤,报业的发展又极大地推动了工业文明的进步。The Gilded age is like fertile soil to American modern newspapering, at the same time, the development of newspapering promote greatly the advancement of the industrial society.

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本研究对报业ERP建设,ERP规划,报业数据仓库系统乃至决策信息系统的建立都有着指导性的意义。This research has the important meaning for newspapering ERP construction, ERP programming, the establishment of newspapering data warehouse system and decision information system.

文章将结合报业拥有的税收优惠政策,主要从增值税和所得税两方面探讨报业的税务筹划。This paper will discuss the tax planning of newspapering through two aspects of the value-added tax and income tax, considering the preferential tax policies which newspapering owns.

因此,从学理出发,对实践中可供借鉴的广告经营增效的方法进行梳理和研究,是解决这一问题的当务之急。In brief, this thesis intends to illustrate it is the urgent task for newspapering to find out the appropriate methods in practice to increase benefit in Chinese newspaper ad-marketing.

近年来,我国传媒产业化、市场化步伐加快,报业在跨区域经营有了一定的政策空间和市场空间。In the recent years, with the acceleration of the enterprisation and market-orientation in the media, the newspapering has gained the political permission and some quotient in the market.

强调市场经济环境、互联网技术的发展以及入世带给报业人力资源管理新的课题。In third part, newspapering faces new situation in management of human resource nowadays, especially the market economy , Internet technique's development and enter WTO bring new problems.

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在美国报界,有人戏称,一个人要是在报业有所发展,“你要么能得普利策奖,要么懂一点图形设计”。In American journalistic circles, some people say banteringly that only if one has won the Pulitzer Prize or is familiar with graphic design can he or she achieve greatness in newspapering.

在报业市场竞争激烈的今天,如何凸显人情味,以利于提升新闻报道的可读性和易受性,值得充分探索。So it is significant to search for the way to protrude news reports with human interest so as to upgrade the readability and approval of news reports in the competitive newspapering market.

新闻采集、报纸印刷、发行等经营环节皆由各政党组织提供资助,一手操办,报业自身没有自主权,亦不负担任何责任。News collecting, newspaper printing, issuing and other management tache are all in the control of political party. The newspapering itself has no self-determination, also, it bears no responsibility.