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食蚁兽问为什么你这么无聊?Why are you so boring?" the anteater asked.

伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。Aunt Edith's anteater ate Aunt Edith's ants.

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针鼹妈妈生一到两个蛋。The mother spiny anteater lays one or two eggs.

同伴被吃了怎么办?杀进食蚁兽的肚子里!Find out the fastest way to an anteater 's stomach!

蚂蚁安迪问食蚁兽安妮为什么食蚁兽要吃蚂蚁。Andy Ant asked Annie Anteater why anteaters ate ants.

遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用尾巴卷住树枝。When in danger , the anteater lashes its tail round a branch.

之后我惊喜地发现那是只巨型食蚁兽。With great surprise I found out that it was a giant anteater.

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南美洲松鼠大小的无齿食蚁兽,有金色的长毛。squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur.

这只颇有头脑的食蚁兽超爱吃蚂蚁!他的鼻子总是遇到大麻烦。This brainy anteater loves to eat ants! He's always getting his nose intro trouble.

伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。Aunt Edith's anteater ate Aunt Edith's ants. Aunt Edith's anteater ate Aunt Edith's ants.

你会经过一个正在敲击键盘的食蚁兽雕像,这是他们大学的吉祥物。You'll pass an anteater typing on a computer along the way. That's the university mascot.

其中一个更奇怪的动物就是中国鲮鲤,同时也称为穿山甲。One of the more bizarre creatures on the list is the Chinese pangolin, also known as a scaly anteater.

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其中一个更奇怪的动物就是中国鲮鲤,同时也称为穿山甲。One of the more bizarre creatures on the list is the Chinese pangolin, also known as a scaly anteater.

许多稀有濒危动植物物种在国家公园中得到保护,其中包括大水獭和巨食蚁兽。It is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, among them the giant otter and the giant anteater.

最小的食蚁兽是矮子食蚁兽,又名丝绸食蚁兽或两趾食蚁兽。它的个儿和大松鼠差不多。The smallest anteater is the dwarf anteater, also called the silky or two-toed anteater. It is about the size of a large squirrel.

尽管你不必知道南美的食蚁兽的猎食习惯,但是令人欣慰的是你肯定能在网上找到的。Not that you would ever need to know the dietary habits of the South American anteater , but it's comforting to know you could find it online if you did.