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群件很强大也很重要。Groupware is big and important.

如果需要,可以购买一个群件系统。If you need it, you can buy a groupware system.

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最近,我们开始与集团办公室群件。We recently started to work with Group-Office groupware.

Groove是第三代群件工具中一个很好的例子。Groove is a good example of this third generation of groupware tools.

许多当今可利用的产品是值得贴上“群件”的标签的。Many products are available today that are worthy of the "groupware" label.

加工托盘组件能够用于容纳和加热玉米粒,以使它们爆裂。The machining salver groupware holds and heats grains of corn and cracks them.

先前的群件产品在实际应用中有数据共享的特征。Early groupware products were characterized by data-sharing among applications.

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群件技术,如讨论、交谈会话和项目库。Groupware technologies such as discussions, chat sessions and project libraries.

接下来的一代群件工具是以通信问题为重点的。The next generation of groupware tools focused on these communications problems.

第二代群件工具是将不同的应用软件联系起来。The second generation of groupware tools linked the different applications together.

针对URMS的特点,在其查询组件中设计了一种基于流的XML查询算法。Responding to the trait of URMS, we design a XML stream querying algorithm in query groupware.

这是世界上第一个组件—第一个协作应用程序—也是第一个wiki程序。It was the first groupware application, the first collaborative application, the first wiki application.

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多媒体群件是使计算机支持的协同工作更接近于人类自然协同工作的重要手段。Multimedia groupware is one of the most important ways that make CSCW more close to natural cooperative work.

在这个系列文章中,了解针对您的操作系统、办公应用程序套件和群件服务器的三种开源选项。In this series, learn about three open source options for your operating system, office application suite, and groupware server.

在分析指挥网软件系统层次结构以及节点工作流的基础上,提出了一种基于群件技术的设计方案。This paper analyses the demand of software design of command-net, and put forward a design plan for groupware based on groupware.

一种爆米花加工装置,包括连接到加工托盘组件的容器和基座。The invention is concerned with a kind of machining equipment of popcorn, relating to container and base seat connecting to the machining salver groupware.

群件是旨在让小组或群体中的人能更容易地协作并帮助他们使工作流更为平稳而高效的软件。Groupware is software that purposely makes it easier for people on teams or in groups to collaborate and helps their work flow more smoothly and efficiently.

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在最早提供的群件中,各种办公设施和开发工具的设施要么很松散大地结合着要么根本就不可能结合成一个整体。Various office suites, and suites of development tools that were either loosely integrated or not integrated at all, were among the first groupware offerings.

例如,一个开发员工门户的程序员想要通过适配器和连接器来实现LDAP集成化,个人化的能力和群组系统。For example, a programmer developing an employee portal wants to have adaptors and connectors for LDAP integration, personalization capabilities, and groupware systems.

该组件系统具有良好的自检功能,能够在不同环境温度下完成对导弹的除气加注功能。The groupware has good self-checking capability, and can complete degassing and charging in different ambient temperature without effecting work-performance of the missile.