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掷标枪。Throwing the javelin.

你扔雷的那胳膊怎么样?How's your throwing arm?

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我正要把垃圾拿去丢。I'm throwing out the trash.

我的手臂力大无比。I have a strong throwing arm!

我在厕所里呕吐。I was throwing up in the toilet.

没有人应该被扔出去。People are not for throwing out.

这只公羊生的羊羔好。This ram is throwing good stock.

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请靠边停车。我快吐了。Please pull over. I'm throwing up.

他们无法想象向熊扔石头的做法。They can't imagine throwing rocks.

别朝窗户扔石头了!Stop throwing stones at the window!

大陆天兵掷弹反弹险死!Throwing hand grenades. Rebound own.

我看见几个男孩在掷石头打狗。I saw some boys throwing stones at a dog.

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他们越说越离谱。Throwing the subject in to a wider field.

把文件撒了满地,拉着脸。throwing his papers around, making faces.

吐可以让你缓解大概几个小时。Ipecac can leave you throwing up for hours.

据说他妈妈看到奥尔蒂斯呕吐。His mother reportedly saw Ortiz throwing up.

设想你将石子扔到静静的池塘中,池水会有什么反应?Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond.

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强盗其实直接把石头扔了。The bandit had been throwing the stones away.

他们向水中倾倒垃圾弄脏了水。They fouled the water by throwing in garbage.

我们不允许在公共场所乱丢垃圾。We don't allow throwing litter about in public.