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神经端侧缝合术对供体神经的功能无明显影响。The end-to-side neurorrhaphy do not impact palpably the function of donator.

这意味着所有捐赠者将在他们的账户上获得至少一枚邀请。That means every donator at least have 1 invite available sitting on their account.

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迫于所需的母亲照办了,但是捐赠者却食言消失了。Out of pressing need, the mother complies but the donator disappeared without forking up.

巴菲特用一生实现了,世界首富的聚与世界首捐的散。Buffett achieved with his life, the world's richest man, together with the world's biggest donator.

在进行器官移植的过程中,器官移植的供体、受体及其家属享有知情权。The donator and donee ar well as the relatives enjoy the right of knowing about organ transplant in the process.

不久前,对于应否成为会员的事所引起的争论,我一一拜读了。Not long ago there was a discussion about becoming a donator or not. Different arguments have been post and I read them all.

面向大学的社会捐赠本质上是一种经济行为。捐赠者的效用体现为明显的非物质形态,遵循效用最大化原理。University-oriented donation is essentially a kind of economic behavior, with immaterial utility of the donator and utility maximization.

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结论本法符合于对献血员的筛选要求,适合在输血机构推广使用。Conclusion This method accords with the demand of screening the blood donator and is suited to popularize in blood transfusion departments.

目的探讨西安市无偿献血人群中血液检测不合格数与肝炎病毒感染的关系。Objective To study the relationship between blood screening unqualified in unpaid blood donator and hepatitis virus infecting in Xi'an city.

甜菜碱作为一种高效的甲基供体,具有促进动物生长、减少脂肪沉淀、对鱼虾有诱食等作用。As an efficient methyl donator betaine has functions of accelerating animal growth, decreasing fat settling and inducing fish and shrimp to eat.

第四章主要分析“超级女声”背后的“资本”力量,重点解读主办方湖南广电集团与赞助商蒙牛集团。The fourth chapter analyses the way in which "Super" are produced by unscrambling the strategy of the donator Meng Niu Dairy and Hu Nan TV station.

赠与人明确表示将赠与物赠给未成年人个人的,应当认定该赠与物为未成年人的个人财产。In case a donator explicitly expresses to donates its property to a minor himself, the property shall be regarded as the personal property of the minor.

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第四条慈善捐赠财产的使用应当尊重捐赠人的意愿,不得将慈善捐赠财产挪作他用。Article 4 The wishes of the donator shall be respected for the use of charitable donations, and no charitable donation can be used for any other purpose.

上海古井假日酒店成为上海市普陀区长寿社区慈善超市新址落成后的第一个捐赠单位。Holiday Inn Shanghai Vista is honored to be the first donator for the newly-built Social Welfare Supermarket of Changshou Road Community, Putuo District.

社会募捐指为特定的自然人的利益而发起,并通过募集人与捐赠人之间的募捐合同实现的捐助行为。Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator.

赠与人的任意撤回权与赠与合同的诺成性攸关,是旨在弥补赠与被立法确认为诺成合同后对赠与人要求过苛的弊端而设计的救济性手段。The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely, and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract.

但因赠与合同系单务、无偿合同,所以为维护赠与人的利益,法律应于特殊情形下,允许赠与人撤销赠与。But the gift contract is a unilateral and gratuitous contract. So to protect the donator's benefit the Law should allow the donator to have the right of revocation in some special situation.

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异种移植的优势在于能够方便的获取供体,但是其最大的问题是能引起强烈而迅速的超免疫排斥反应,目前的研究较少。The advantage of heterogenic transplantation is that donator is easily available whereas the disadvantage is the fierce and rapid immunological rejection which limited the experimental study.