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国产省藤属植物的叶表皮形态学。Leaf Epidermis Morphology of the Genus Calamus L.

从示巴出的乳香,从远方出的菖蒲奉来给我有何益呢?What do I care about incense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land?

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本文对短叶省藤种质的离体培养保存进行了探索性研究。This paper deals with in vitro conservation of germplasm of Calamus egregius Burret.

在端午节,人们把插艾和菖蒲作为重要内容之一。On Dragon Boat Festival, people put inserted moxa and calamus as one of important content.

对水菖蒲内生真菌进行分离,并进行抗菌活性的筛选。In order to isolate and screen endophytic fungi with inhibitory activity from Acorus calamus L.

旧时的端午节,家家户户都会在门口挂艾草,插菖蒲。Families hung wormwood and calamus on the door for the traditional Double-Fifth Festival in ancient times.

相同土壤水分胁迫条件下,芦苇单株生物量远大于菖蒲。In the same soil water stress condition, individual biomass of P. australis is more than that of A. calamus.

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石菖蒲为芬芳开窍类中药,具有开窍宁神、化湿和胃之功能。Calamus is a kind of aroma TCD inducing resuscitation, tranquilizing mind, removing dampness to regulate stomach.

她花,香油,昌蒲以及其它的带香味的植物混合蒸馏,然后把提炼出来的液体回流,又蒸馏,又回流,又蒸馏。She distilled flowers, oil, and calamus with other aromatics then filtered and put them back in the still several times.

日本人也会在他们的门上挂一些菖蒲和艾草一预防疾病和防止坏运气…Japanese people also hang calamus and artemisia above their doors to stop disease and bad luck entering, just like we do.

此外,在云南省藤和桂竹等导管内壁上还观察到瘤层结构,瘤体直径大小为200-800纳米之间。In addition, warts were observed in vessels of Calamus yunnanensis and Phyllostachys bambusoides, their size between 200-800nm.

目的观察经胶原膜包裹或应用免疫抑制剂后,鸡羽根角蛋白材料在体埋植对周围组织的影响。Objective To improve the histocompatibility of chicken calamus keratin graft by collagen-gel coating or using of cyclosporine A.

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总之,种植芦苇、唐菖蒲等水生植物或接种有益微生物可以改善水体微生态机构和生态结构。In conclusion, "Phragmitis and calamus hydrophyte planting" and "EM-inoculation" could improve the aquatic micro-ecosystem and ecosystem.

菖蒲各器官氮、磷含量均高于鸢尾,但是单株鸢尾对氮、磷的积累量比菖蒲大。Acorus calamus was more efficient for accumulating N and P, while Iris tectorum had more N and P per plant as a result of its much higher biomass.

而北京城市河流整治的最大特点就是“亲水”,今年开放的菖蒲河是“以人为本”理念的最大体现者。Beijing urban river training and the best feature is the " greenest " open calamus River this year is "people-oriented" the greatest expression of ideas.

用喷灌系统形成有规律的供水量梯度研究白藤苗木生长与水分的相互关系。The water supply system was employed to produce a series of water supplies for studying the effects of water supply on the seedlings growth of Calamus tetradactylus.

所以,古代巫师鼓励人们佩戴香包,挂艾蒿和菖蒲在门上赶走所谓的邪恶的精神,引起的疾病。Soancient sorcerers encouraged people to wear fragrant pouches and hang mugwort and calamus on their doors to drive away the so-called evil spirits that caused diseases.

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你没有用银子为我买菖蒲、也没有用祭物的脂油使我饱足、倒使我因你的罪恶服劳、使我因你的罪孽厌烦。You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offenses.

以单株种植为对照,通过设置2株、3株和4株共3个水平的丛栽试验对单叶省藤的丛栽效应进行分析。Effects of group-planting on Calamus simplicifolius Wei were evaluated based on some experiments of planting 2, 3 and 4 seedlings per group versus planting single seedlings.

石菖蒲药理作用的研究存在偏离临床实际的倾向,其有效成分研究也多集中在挥发油部分。The stone calamus pharmacological action's research existence deviation clinical actual tendency, its effective component research also much concentrates in the volatile oil part.