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人们对麝鼠肉喜爱有加。And it looks like muskrat love.

是什麽让麝香鼠护卫它的麝香?What makes the muskrat guard his musk?

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官员表示决堤由麝香鼠洞引发。Officials say muskrat holes caused that breach.

麝鼠皮在质量上几乎和海獭皮不相上下。Muskrat fur almost equals beaver fur in quality.

据我所知,韩国现在麝香鼠的价钱非常高!As far as I know, South Korea muskrat 's price is now high!

提示麝鼠香有可能成为代用天然麝香的最佳药物原料。This suggests that muskrat may be used as a substitute for musk.

麝鼠城堡作为房屋的名称,是由某些诙谐的官员起的滑稽名称。Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer.

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比如一只麝鼠在河岸某侧打出一个洞。Say, for example, that a muskrat burrows herself a den in one bank of a stream.

麝鼠城堡作为房屋的名称,是由某些诙谐的官员起的滑稽名称。Muskrat Castle, as the house had Been facetiously named By some waggish officer.

麝鼠香囊腺由腺细胞、支持细胞和排香管组成。The cystgland of muskrat fragrant is composed of gland cell, supporting cell and excretory duct.