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如何鼻螨确诊为患?。How is a nasal mite infestation diagnosed?

灭病媒药,杀害物剂根除侵扰的药剂,如虫害的药剂。An agent that eradicates an infestation as of vermin.

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唯一的风险是,接下来你有可能要面对壁虎成灾噢。The only catch is, you might get a house gecko infestation next.

病的病原虫,人感染率较高。Human demodex is a conditioned parasite with high infestation rate.

臭虫通常只发现后,茎枯萎和死亡。An infestation is usually detected only after the stem wilts and dies.

鳄梨树根腐病的感染用视觉是无法探测出来的。The infestation of avocado root rot disease is not visually detectable.

同时,水牛是一个相当大的挣扎鼠患。At the same time, Buffalo was struggling with a sizable rat infestation.

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这种玉米中含有能够抵御玉米螟的基因。It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer.

我不知道什么时候我认为我的选址有蓟马虫害附近。I didn't know when I was siting it that I had a thrips infestation nearby.

加利福尼亚的部分地区正遭受东方果蝇的大肆侵袭。Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.

后续的检查发现是眼结膜吸允线虫的感染。Subsequent examination showed the cause was infestation with Thelazia species.

跳蚤侵扰是困扰猫狗的10大病症之一。Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.

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那是涉及在她身上已经滋生了的具备支配权的优势寄生物种。It is related to her prior infestation by the dominant parasitical species here.

跟霍纳说话以了解他对海文星上感染的担心。Talk to Horner to learn of his fears about the infestation in the Haven settlers.

沉重的感染可导致严重的鳃的损害,消瘦,贫血和死亡。Heavy infestation can result in severe gill damage, emaciation , anemia and death.

如果连续使用后的痕迹被跳蚤Capstar观察,看到您的兽医。If a continuous flea infestation is observed after using Capstar, see your veterinarian.

大量的疥虫感染鲜少发生在头皮。Massive infestation of Sarcoptes mites is rarely observed, especially in the scalp area.

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不同的春小麦品种受麦秆蝇为害程度存在着明显的差别。The degree of infestation is obviously different among different spring wheat varieties.

这可能是一个昂贵又不保险的赌博,无法完全阻止鲤鱼进入并且危害五大湖。That's an expensive gamble that may not keep enough carp out of the lakes to prevent an infestation.

用目视检测得到的活动性头虱侵袭的患病率比真实的被低估了3.5个因子。The true prevalence of active infestation was underestimated by visual inspection by a factor of 3.5.