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蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

蚊蚋通行证是感冒,但后来,我已经感冒。Gnat Pass was cold, but then, I was already cold.

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然后,一只小蚊蚋跳进他的耳朵,蜇了他。Then a single gnat got into his ear and stung him.

他很难达到目的,因为他这人太拘泥细节了。He'll hardly reach his aim, because he strains at gnat.

他就是那种小事精明大事糊涂的家伙。He is just the chap to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

你们这瞎眼领路的,蠓虫你们就滤出来,骆驼你们倒吞下去。You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

电子十分的渺小,在和质子相比起来。The electron is just a little gnat in comparison to the proton.

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在蚊子一次又一次的挑衅下,狮子气急败坏地咆哮着。Again and again the Gnat stung the Lion, who now was roaring terribly.

算了吧!不要斤斤计较。如你所知,他最近手头紧。Forget it! Don't strain at a gnat. As you know, he is hard up these days.

认识的主体性赋予人生重大的意义。Subjectiveness of cognition has endowed the human life with gnat significance.

这篇论文的毛病是明察秋毫而不见舆薪。The trouble with the thesis is that it strains at a gnat and swallows a camel.

如果没有什么别的,空军应该重新命名“小昆虫”,而陆军应该重新命名“小黄蜂”。If nothing else, the Air Force should rename the Gnat and the Army should rename the Wasp.

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当你写博客时,你的读者是网络用户组成的,他们的注意力范围就像一个小昆虫。When you write for a blog, your audience consists of internet users who have the attention span of a gnat.

蚊子嗡嗡地飞走,准备向全世界宣布自己的胜,却一头扎进了蜘蛛网里。The Gnat buzzed away to tell the whole world about his victory, but instead he flew straight into a spider's web.

相比之下,第一层的小飞机重量为500磅,因此在目前1磅的黄蜂无人机与上一层的发射上限之间还有很大的空间。In contrast, the tier 1 Gnat is 500lbs, which leaves a lot of room between the current 1lb Wasp and the upper limits of throw launching.

他的下人执行了他的命令。不过帷幔里面贴着一只小蚊蚋。它钻进王子的耳朵里,在那里面刺他。The servants carried out his orders, but one single gnat had placed itself inside one of the coverings, crept into the prince 's ear and stung him.

可这些食肉植物的猎物不过是些小昆虫,最大的也只是些小鸟和蜥蜴,而且它们的捕食方式是被动的。But prey of these the floral that eat the meat are some of gnat nevertheless, the biggest also be some of birdie and lizard only, and their prey means is passivity.

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我的腿纤细瘦长,布满了黑白相间的花纹,很多蜘蛛都把我当成是来自异乡的小昆虫。My leg is fine and gangling, bestrewed the decorative pattern of black and white alternate with, a lot of spiders regard me as is the gnat that comes from foreign land.

在环境问题中,研究经济利益主体的出发点和动机,有利于寻求经济利益主体行为的协调机制。In the issue of environment, a study of the start-point and motivation of economic interest participants will be of gnat help in finding a coordination mechanism among them.

据武汉晨报报道,个人买卖住房要缴蚋许多税费,其中,比较重的要数契税。According to report of Wuhan morning paper, individual business housing wants capture buffalo gnat a lot of tax cost, among them, compare tariff of heavy agree wanting number.