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看她的眼神无比专注。See her eyes incomparably focus.

感到自己是无比的光荣和自豪。Feel that they are incomparably glorious and proud.

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我想大概会付出无比巨大的代价,虽然我并不害怕。I want probably to pay the incomparably huge price, although I am not afraid.

这种趋势始于普京,在他的支持下空前壮大。It’s a trend that began before Putin, but under him it became incomparably stronger.

我内心蓄满了辛酸,无比地怜昔你的夭折!My innermost feelings gathered full bitter and incomparably pity for your young past!

简短的对视和轻轻微笑,一霎那,我幸福无比。With brief eye contact and slight smile, I felt incomparably happy right at that moment.

作为全世界运动员们聚集的盛会,这无比是一个不小的遗憾。Grand meeting which gathers as the world athletes, this incomparably is not a small regret.

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超级便携,不需要折中使用一般的超轻型显示屏和键盘。It's incomparably portable without the usual ultraportable screen and keyboard compromises.

天慢慢的又灰沉下来。整个人的心情也无比惆怅起来。The day slowly ash sinks down Gives people a hard time the mood incomparably is also disconsolate.

其他的工业,像是采煤产业,有着极其高的伤亡数量和更多的事故。Other industries, such as coal extraction, have incomparably higher death tolls and many more accidents.

是向整个宇宙展示着人类无比强大的创造力和生命力!Is is demonstrating the human incomparably formidable creativity and the vitality to the entire universe!

韦德说,“作为芝加哥人我对他无比尊敬,因为他跟芝加哥是如此的紧密。Wedd said that I incomparably respects as Chicago people to him, because he with Chicago is like this close.

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我们正在重新发现中国无与伦比、丰富多彩的文化遗产以及她巨大的经济潜力。We are re-discovering China's incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential.

固然都无比自傲,但又能合作无懈,为本身的富人客户们打赢了一场又一场的讼事。Although incomparably is proud, but can cooperate closely, has won another lawsuit for own rich person customers.

银河帝国还建立了一个威力无比的“死星”,用来镇压反抗者。The Milky Way empire has also established a might incomparably "the dead star", uses for to suppress the resister.

中国有7亿多农村人口,是一个无与伦比的微小融资和农村金融的巨大市场。China is an incomparably large market for micro and rural finance with more than 700 million people in rural areas.

每幢楼黑漆漆的窗口,仿佛正在密谋把几个还亮着灯光的窗口搞得无比孤独。The pitch-dark windows in each building seem to be plotting to pull the other windows with lights incomparably lonely.

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实际上,他甚至声称,公正,是道德中最神圣,和最不可或缺的部分。In fact, he goes so far as to say that justice is the most sacred part and the most incomparably binding part of morality.

然而电脑之功能已非昔日吴下阿蒙,怎能仅以输入几个文字自足?However, computer capability today is incomparably better than before. How can one be satisfied just keying-in a few words?

在非盟,有53个成员国,尽管这一数字并不多,但最起码比阿拉伯联盟更好。In a club of 53 members, that is not a brilliant score but incomparably better, for example, than that of the 22-country Arab League.