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但是请叫我Barb就好了。But please, just call me Barb.

我认为也许巴勃说得有道理。I think Barb may have something there.

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将夹子滑上并将最大的倒钩处于中心位置。Slide the clamp up and center over the largest barb.

鱼刺找到了苏少卿说自己要跟苏少卿讲道理。Barb reason with shao-qing su shao-qing su said he wanted.

鱼刺和梅斯会略,梅斯希望和左少合作。Barb and mace are slightly, mace hopes and left little cooperation.

鱼刺对张伯为说自己现在还被怀疑所以不能跟他们接头。Barb to Zhang Bo said he also suspected now so cant joint with them.

他并没有拔掉鱼的倒刺而是返航到岸上需求帮助。He didn’t remove the barb but piloted the boat to land and got help.

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也许,当所有人都无法避免自己的死亡时,野蛮人使用了战斗狂啸。Maybe, the barb used a battle cry like no other preventing his death.

鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以防上了钩的鱼逃走。A fish hook has a barb to prevent the fish from escaping after being hooked.

杜自远叫鱼刺撤退,但她的两个使命还没有完成。Du from way called barb to retreat, but her two mission is not yet complete.

在绒羽上,羽枝脊则直直生长,不做螺旋形移动。In a plumulaceous feather, barb ridges grow straight without any helical movement.

这静谧的世界是穴居鱼的家,比如无目金鲃。This tranquil world is home to specialised cave fishes, like the eyeless Golden Barb.

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张雅兰做为槐树的交通员,本是鱼刺保护对象。Ya-lan zhang, as a traffic policemen locust tree, this is the barb protection object.

有时钉倒刺的现象发生,这是因为在角质层裂缝造成的。Sometimes nail barb phenomenon occurs, it is because there are cracks in the cuticle caused.

鱼刺直扑黄枫林在许福巷的住所,她要亲手消灭黄枫林。Barb Huang Fenglin straight at Xu Fu lane house, she will personally eliminated Huang Fenglin.

巴伯在苏拉威西岛的塔斯卡奇野生动物营救中心以及印度尼西亚和非洲影响力这两个组织中做志愿者。Barb has volunteered with Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Center in Sulawesi, Indonesia and African Impact.

还有一只覆盖硬皮的蝙蝠样生物,翼展开有四英尺宽,还带一个末端分开像是三叉戟样的尾巴。A leathery bat-like creature with a four foot wingspan and a tail that ended in a three-pointed barb.

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一种诱捕鱼的器具,一个笼体装配倒须1个至多个。A fish trap utensil comprises a cage body equipped with 1 inverted barb or a plurality of inverted barbs.

倒钩科里搬到比洛克西前几个月飓风袭击靠近她的儿子,谁在空军。Barb Corry moved to Biloxi a few months before Katrina struck to be near her son, who's in the Air Force.

澳大利亚著名的自然主义者史蒂夫·欧文日前不幸去世,他是被一条刺鳐刺穿胸部而意外身亡的。The renowned Australian naturalist Steve Irwin has died after being struck in the chest by a stingray barb.