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库尔特放慢疣猪的速度,看着天空。Kurt slowed the Warthog , and looked up at the sky.

莫拉的饥饿把它诱回到疣猪洞。Mora's hunger lures her back to the warthog burrow.

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他被一只疣猪和另外一只不知名的小动物救了。He is saved by a warthog and another small unknown animal.

莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway.

在三个小时的挖掘后,狮子们最终挖到了疣猪。After three hours of digging, the lions finally extract the warthog.

他们朝停在树房下肮脏地面上的疣猪战车跑去。They ran for the Warthog parked on the dirt track at the base of the tree house.

疣猪烟雾滚滚,但它的时速还是慢慢提高到四十公里。The Warthog billowed smoke, but its speed slowly increased to forty kilometers an hour.

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“疣猪”攻击机集全球羡慕的眼光于一身,飞机上的大鲨鱼怒视着所有胆敢直视它眼底的人。The A-10 Warthog is the envy of theentire globe, and the stark fear of any who dare look into its eyes.

疣猪的日常伙食主要由草、树根和浆果组成,当然它也不会介意偶尔遇见的腐肉。The diet of a warthog consists mainly of grasses, roots, and berries, along with the occasional carrion.

但莫拉正对一个疣猪洞发生兴趣。在野外,捕食方便的话,狮子通常在猎物丰富时每3-4天进食一次。But Mora is showing interest in a warthog burrow. In the wild, lions normally eat every 3-4 days, when prey is readily available.

“无论如何,”像那头野猪说的,“不少蜂蜜流进了那东西的嘴巴,一定会对他有好处。”"And anyway, " as the Warthog said, "quite a lot of honey has got into the creature's mouth and that's bound to have done it some good.

UFO支持者认为光芒来自人类所不知的外星船体,但是美国空军却说是A-10疣猪对地攻击机训练时投下的闪光弹。UFO proponents claimed they were part of aircraft unknown to man, but the USAF identified them as flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft which were on training exercises.