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确实,上周对决巴塞尔时全场是如此安静,因为曼联踢的很糟糕。Certainly, it was quiet against Basle last week, because United were playing badly.

2004年,他随巴塞尔交响乐团在中国进行巡演。In2004 he performed with the basle philharmonic orchestra during a concert tour in china.

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您是没有是觉得该战岛媚要供能又恭停止金融危机重演?Do you think the requirement of the Basle III is able to effectively deal with financial crisis?

实际上巴塞尔资本协议也正是在不断的调查研究的基础上逐步得到完善。Actually Basle capital accord can be perfected gradually through investigation and research on credit risk.

的确,他们在几周前被斯托克城和巴塞尔逼平了,不过上个周末他们立即就赢下了诺维奇,证明了他们依旧处在顶峰状态。While they drew against FC Basle and Stoke last week, their win against Norwich confirms them as still top.

在跨国银行国际监管领域,巴塞尔委员会是最具影响力的组织。Within the region of the transnational bank supervision, Basle Committee is the most influential association.

经济资本概念是2004年正式发布的新巴塞尔协议倡导的,并为世界领先银行所实践的资本概念。The economic capital was advanced by the New Basle Accord in 2004, and it is becoming the advanced concept in practice.

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以巴塞尔委员会为代表的国际组织为市场风险的管理做了大量工作。As the representatives, The Basle Committee and other international organizations have done a lot of jobs on this topic.

巴塞尔委员会、国际证监会组织和欧盟在监管国际化方面进行了有益的探索,其缺陷也是不言而喻的。Basle Committee, IOSCO and European Union have made beneficial exploration in this field. However, some defects still exist.

巴塞尔银行监管委员会和国际证监会组织均分别就与高杠杆机构交易的有效办法,向银行和证券公司发出指引。The basle committee on banking supervision , and iosco have issued respective guidelines on sound practices for interactions with hlis for banks and securities firms.

巴塞尔大学医院的沃尔夫-兰格维茨医生认为,大多数患者能在不到两分钟的时间内说明自己的病情,很多人还会更快。Most patients can explain what is wrong with them in less than two minutes and many may even be swifter, according to Dr. Wolf Langewitz of University Hospital in Basle.

巴塞尔协议的监管目标,体现了国际银行业资本充足率监管的标准与未来发展趋势。The supervising and managing goal of the Basle Agreement manifested international banking capital adequacy supervising standard and its developping tendency in the future.

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针对目前大学生能力素质培养不足的现状,在对成因进行分析的基础上,提出大学生基本能力素质的立体培养模式。With a response to the actuality that college students are not roundly trained in basle competence at present, this paper puts forward a tridimensional training mode for that.

巴塞尔委员会通过发布一系列软法性质的巴塞尔协议推动各国金融监管机构的合作,在促进各国监管规则的协调方面发挥了巨大作用。Basle Committee issues varies of soft law accords to promote multilateral cooperation among national authorities, and plays great part in generating international standards of banking supervision.

比如,贫穷国家的财政部仍然受到鼓励履行巴塞尔二号协议,因为银行监管帮助鼓励不计后果的资产负债表外贷款。Finance ministries in poor countries are, for example, still being encouraged to implement the Basle 2 arrangements for banking regulation that helped encourage reckless off-balance-sheet lending.