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它们不互相排斥。They are not mutually exclusive.

模式都是互相排斥的。The modes are mutually exclusive.

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一动一静,互为其根。An action a quiet, mutually its root.

健康所系,性命相托。Health fasten, the life gives mutually.

第二,深化互利合作。Second, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.

或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。Probably, this may also just my a mutually wish.

健康愉快,相生相成。Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.

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你们最好给我识相点!You had better make me understand to mutually order!

当然这些例子并不互相排斥。And, of course, the cases are not mutually exclusive.

虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。Although sell mutually and generally, also compromise.

虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。Although sell mutually and generally, also concession.

聪明和愚蠢是互相转化的。Intelligence and foolishness is mutually transforming.

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看不得孙子此举,奶奶也以死相逼。See not the grandson, grandma also die mutually force.

两方面其实是相互联系和促进的。The two parts are mutually connected and contributive.

我们的相识,就意味了我们的相爱或许又是相离。We know, means that our love perhaps is mutually leave.

我们互不相欠,各奔幸福!We Mutually does not owe, respectively rushes happiness!

语言虽有不同,但又彼此互通。The languages are different, but mutually comprehensible.

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河槽和滩地可互相转换。The river channel and floodplain can be mutually changed.

即便是科学和艺术本身也是相互促进的。Even science and art themselves are mutually contributive.

共同商榷确定一个进行比赛的位于亚洲的服务器。Mutually agree upon an Asian-based server to play your match.