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陌生环境的恐怖指的是外在的恐惧。Agoraphobia is the fear of being outside.

认识和理解广场恐怖症的真相是棘手的。Learning and understanding agoraphobia facts can be tricky.

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目的探索综合心理疗法对场所恐惧症的效果。Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia.

我不喜欢呆在户外,据我所知这种病被叫做“恐旷症”,对吧?I don't like being outdoors, which I know is called " agoraphobia ", right?

广场恐惧症的治疗很困难,因为这意味着患者需要去面对自己的恐惧。Agoraphobia treatment can be tough because it usually means confronting your fears.

一些自闭者患有沮丧、旷野恐惧或者精神分裂等症状。Some shut-ins suffer from such illnesses as depression, agoraphobia or schizophrenia.

除非你是医生或临床医学家,普通人对广场恐怖症将无法理解。Unless you're a doctor or therapist, agoraphobia to the average person will make no sense.

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通常治疗惊恐紊乱和广场综合症的首先一个方面涉及教育。The first aspect of treatment for panic disorder and agoraphobia typically involves education.

如果你有广场恐惧症,那么暴露在你恐惧的场景下然后回避也属于治疗之内。If you have agoraphobia , exposure to the situations you fear and avoid is also included in treatment.

选择画地自限的生活著会导致精神上的陌生环境恐惧症,而它本身就自备了惊慌害怕。Choosing to live in narrow spaces can lead to a form of mental agoraphobia , and that brings its own terrors.

但药物和心理治疗会帮助患者摆脱这种恐惧症的折磨和更愉快的的生活。But with medications and psychotherapy, you can escape the trap of agoraphobia and live a more enjoyable life.

广场焦虑症患者很难在任何公共场合里有些安全感,特别是人多拥挤的地方。People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather.

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结论综合心理疗法是治疗场所恐惧症的行之有效的方法,值得推广应用。Conclusion Eclectic Psychotherapy is an efficient way for treating agoraphobia , is worth promoting the application.

虽然广砞植乐⒖赡茉谌魏问笨谭⒍?但是往往是在你出现第一次反复性惊恐袭击后的一年之内出现。Althoughtheonset of agoraphobia can occur at any point, it usually appears within a year of your first recurrent panic attacks.

虽然广场恐怖症可能在任何时刻发动进攻,但是往往是在你出现第一次反复性惊恐袭击后的一年之内出现。Although the onset of agoraphobia can occur at any point, it usually appears within a year of your first recurrent panic attacks.

可喜的是,这些有关广场恐怖症的真相有助于帮助没有受其折磨的人们理解广场恐怖症是一种让人身心衰弱的,恐怖难治的病。Hopefully, these agoraphobia facts have helped those not afflicted in understanding what a debilitating and difficult illness agoraphobia is.

根据美国焦虑紊乱协会,约有三分之一的拥有惊恐紊乱的人们最终出现广砞植乐?。According totheAnxiety Disorders Association of America, approximately one in three people with panic disorder eventually develops agoraphobia.

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根据美国焦虑紊乱协会,约有三分之一的拥有惊恐紊乱的人们最终出现广场恐怖症。According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America , approximately one in three people with panic disorder eventually develops agoraphobia.

正如以上所陈述的,经历过恐慌袭击的人们有很大的可能会形成外在的恐慌,是因为在离家远的地方遭受过恐慌袭击。As stated above, those who experience Panic Attacks have a greater likelihood of developing agoraphobia for fear of having a panic attack while some place away from home.