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当我可以使用索梅罗铜斑蛇激光整平机?When Can I Use A Somero CopperHead Laser Screed?

其实正确的铜斑蛇,通过具体的驱动器。The CopperHead actually drives right through the concrete.

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如果切换到3号配置,会闪烁3下,以此类推。The Copperhead will flash 3 times if switched to Profile 3 and so on.

在铜斑蛇微型的小巧轻便的设计确保了操作方便。The CopperHead XD's compact and lightweight design insures ease of operation.

在铜斑蛇本身不同于一些非常独特的方式,其他激光找平。The CopperHead itself differs from other laser screeds in some very unique ways.

我如何测试我分配的按键是否正常工作?How can I test the Copperhead to be sure that the buttons assignment are working?

一些例外包括响尾蛇,银环蛇,噬鱼蛇和铜斑蛇。Some exceptions include the rattlesnake, coral snake, water moccasin and copperhead.

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我如何测试我分配的按键是否正常工作?。QUESTION How can I test the Copperhead to be sure that the buttons assignment are working?

在某些情况下,铜斑蛇甚至更好的工作,你可能会使用大型激光整平机。In some cases, the CopperHead is even better for jobs that you may be using a large Laser Screed.

像绿色马姆巴,盈科配备新的内部水力驱动踏蹬制度。Like the Green Mamba, the Copperhead is equipped with the new internal hydro-drive pedalling system.

熨平的铜斑蛇激光工程作为“大”激光找平相同的基本激光控制系统。The CopperHead Laser Screed works by using the same basic laser control system as the "big" laser screeds.

“铜板蛇”和“响尾蛇”游戏鼠标的制造商,将要用“狼蛛”向键盘领域扩展。Razer, makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice, is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula.

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当时正值索梅罗铜斑蛇是通过在巴伦,威斯康星州,人口2900的步伐提出的情况。That was the situation when the Somero CopperHead was put through its paces in Barron, Wisconsin, population 2,900.

现在这个时候应该没有蛇了,但是,连着下了好几天的雨让响尾蛇和铜斑蛇可能会在下午时候出来晒太阳。It was late in year for snakes, but after days of rain the afternoon was warm and sunny enough to bring a rattler or copperhead out to sun.

在铜斑蛇微型带有一个方便的电启动发动机和新设计的控制面板,使机器操作更容易。The CopperHead XD comes with a convenient electric start motor and the newly designed control panel makes operating the machine even easier.

这项活动将于地点在课程主页的PGA巡回赛,锦标赛的视线科珀,与上两轮的三个竞争力。The event will take place at the home of the PGA Tour event, Transitions Championship, with two of the three competitive rounds on the Copperhead Course.

您将可以更快地工作,因为铜斑蛇微型自动套级,使运营商能够通过移动工作区速度和效率。You will be able to work faster because the CopperHead XD sets grade automatically, allowing the operator to move quickly and efficiently through the work area.