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变青蛙为王子。Into a handsome prince.

王子将舞鞋拾起。The prince picked it up.

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这就是皇太子。This is the Crown Prince.

伊斯克罗斯,维罗纳亲王。Escalus, Prince of Verona.

假如能做你的王子。If I could bo your prince.

年轻的王子吞了吞口水。The young prince swallowed.

王子出身高贵。The prince is of good Birth.

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等待白马王子?Waiting for Prince Charming?

我的白马王子在哪?Where is my handsome prince?

格里夫,和他的小王子。Griff, with his young prince.

伊耿王子听起来很震惊。Prince Aegon sounded shocked.

总冇一天娥惪王子会出现。Some day my prince will come.

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问问龙石岛亲王。Ask the Prince of Dragonstone.

涐抧想做袮菂王子。I just want to be your prince.

这条龙攻击王子。The dragon attacks the prince.

王子将忠犬杰乐的尸体埋在了这里。The prince buried Gelert here.

哈里王子恋爱了。Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

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菲利普亲王先上的头条。Prince Phillip got there first.

他定是个乔装打扮的王子喽。He must be a prince in disguise.

独孤皇后来到太子府上。Queen dugu came to prince round.