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那个长靠椅该扔掉了。The old settee will have to go.

你可以睡在中型沙发上。You can bed down on the settee.

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米歇尔和卡拉坐在同一个沙发上。Michelle and Carla share a settee.

你为什么不在长椅上躺一会呢。Why don't you lie down on the settee.

我们非常拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。We sat primly at either end of a long settee.

她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.

她坐在一只有靠背的长椅上,看大家跳舞。Then she sat upon a settee and watched the people dance.

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这张靠背沙发的照片是楼梯边上的一个角落。The photo of the settee is in a little nook on the side of the staircase.

她陷入顶端铁路的沙发用双手两边的他。She gripped the top rail of the settee with both hands on either side of him.

随着夜幕降临,坤沙坐在一个高台的靠背椅上,凝望着红日降落于重重山脉的背后。接着,他回到了自己的别墅。From a settee on a stage, as evening fell, he watched the sun set over the mountains.

公寓内深蓝色的墙壁和木制品与一块镀金边框的镜子、一张印着猎豹的地毯和一张有靠背的金丝布艺沙发相互辉映。Walls and woodwork in shades of dark blue are set against a gilt-framed mirror, a leopard-print rug and a settee upholstered in gold fabric.

我手里握着百晓生兵器谱上排名第一的武器板凳,躲在阴暗的角落,等待你死我亡的那一刻。Hold 100 Xiaos apt living in my hand weapon table up position the arms wooden settee of the first, hide in the dingy turn, wait for you dead the a moment of my Wu.