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那么,有没有性感鲱鱼色系不起作用的时候呢?Are there times when Sexy Shad doesn't work?

我们有上等螺沙鱼排、比目鱼,还有烤鲱鱼。We have filet of sole, flounder, and baked shad.

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比那冬天的太阳和夏天的阴凉还要让我愉快啊!More delightful than sun in winter or shad in summer.

在夏天莓鲈翻车鱼在追逐美洲河鲱的深水将暂停。In summer crappie will suspend in deeper water chasing shad.

如果你为了错过太阳而流泪,那么你也将与群星擦身而过。If you shad tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

我把这些植物放在阴凉处以便太阳晒不到它们。I put the plants in the shad in order that the sun won't burn them.

欧洲人早前就俘虏了斯匡托,逼迫他成为奴隶。Europeans shad previously captured Squanto and forced him into slavery.

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海军救生员谢德·赫尔南德兹用一根绳子从直升机上吊落到海水里。Navy rescue swimmer Shad Hernandez was lowered into the water by a rope.

寻找产卵鲱鱼最好方法是往水里抛柳叶形复合亮片。One of the best ways to find spawning shad is to throw a willowleaf spinnerbait.

营地首席协调员沙德负责监督将近两千人的援助工作。The camp's chief coordinator Noor Shad oversees aid for nearly 2,000 individuals.

成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead

在那片刻,没人行使那种权利,因为我们全都盯着那巨大盘子上的西鲱鱼。At that moment no one exercised that right, for we were all eyeing the shad arriving on huge platters.

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尤以烤羊腿、法式羊排、清蒸鲥鱼等最具特色,值得喜爱清真美食的美食家们品尝。Sailiangmu Restaurant is specially known for its steamed shad , French-type lamb rack and roast lamb leg.

我们花了将近一年的时间来调整和丰富性感鲱鱼的色系,以便我们随时能面对各种的状况。We spent about a year tweaking the Sexy Shad colors to provide precise shades for the various conditions we face.

灯具的后罩壳材料选用玻纤增强塑料,透明罩壳材料选用聚碳酸酯。The martial of clear cover shad uses polycarbonate. Power source is used single-foot in a moment start floorescent tube lamp.

我总是力求最大化利用我的时间且同时保持高效,尤其是在鲱鱼的产卵季,白天能做钓的时间非常有限。I always strive to maximize my time and remain efficient, especially during the shad spawn when the daytime window of opportunity is so short.

沙德说,国际救援委员会的代表负责登记灾民,乐施会在现场协助医疗工作。Shad says representatives with the International Rescue Committee are registering people, and Oxfam is on site to help with medical treatment.

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成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead birds have been found clustered on a California highway.

一道可口的牡蛎汤之后,上了河鲱和黄瓜,然后是一客童子鸡与油炸玉米馅饼,接着又有灰背野鸭和醋栗酱和蛋黄汁芹菜。After a velvety oyster soup came shad and cucumbers, then a young broiled turkey with corn fritters, followed by a canvas-back with currant jelly and a celery mayonnaise.

而来自密歇根湖的生物学家,丹-马考斯卡斯表示,造成这一令人费解的现象的原因可能是,某些鱼类对于水中氧含量的降低非常敏感,因不适应而造成了“缺氧死亡”。However Lake Michigan Program biologist Dan Makauskas said that gizzard shad are no a quite tough kind of fish and are extra acute apt drips in oxygen levels than maximum fish.