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对地巡航导弹。Land Attack Crusie Missile.

导弹未击中目标。The missile overshot its target.

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这个导弹射程2千公里。The missile has a range of 2,000km.

中子导弹待发射并启动。Neutron-S missile armed and activated.

这枚导弹是从舰上发射的。The missile was delivered from a ship.

朝鲜可能正在计划导弹测试。N. Korea may be planning missile tests.

舰空导弹技术的发展趋势。Warship empty guided missile technical.

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一开始,他们说不可能是Buk导弹。First they said it wasn't a Buk missile.

我军的导弹击中了敌舰。The enemy's ship was hit by our missile.

你是否曾目睹过导弹发射?Have you ever witnessed a missile launch?

第二颗导弹飞来!AWACS Thunderhead Second missile incoming!

战略导弹基地和军事基地Strategic missile sites and military bases.

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远程导弹轰炸机图-22-M-0Distant missile carrier and bomber Tu-22-M-0

如果你是正确的,导弹将爆炸。If you are correct,the missile will explode.

综述了台湾海军、空军的武器装备现状。Missile status of Air and Navy are reviewed.

打死戈利亚斯的投掷物是块石头。The missile that killed Goliath was a stone.

炮弹把战舰炸碎了。The missile had blown the battleship asunder.

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有程序操控着机器人和导弹Something programmed the robot or the missile.

导弹在左弦600英尺处爆炸。Kestrel Missile impact 600 feet off port below.

CNN也确认该导弹是“泡泡纱”。CNN also identified the missile as a Seersucker.