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偶尔,她也要占据一回上峰。Occasionally, she also wants to subjugate once last Feng.

愿意天涯天涯随你往。无论是救赎还是沦陷堕落。As you go to cape there. Whether redemption or subjugate depravity.

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老杨基不顾一切地要制服爱尔兰移民。The old Yankees stopped at nothing to subjugate the Irish immigrants.

当人们结束让自己屈从,他们将结束成为下属。As one ceases to subjugate themselves, they will cease to be subordinate.

拿破仑的首要任务是征服他的邻居在皮埃蒙特,撒丁岛。Napoleon's first task is to subjugate his neighbors in Piedmont-Sardinia.

为了团体的利益,他们愿意克制自己的个人情感。They are willing to subjugate their own feelings for the good of the group.

你得设法让他俯首帖耳,否则的话你就完了。You'd better manage to subjugate him.Otherwise it will be all over with you.

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你有新军队在手,可以继续用科学去征服这个星球上其他的居民。With your new army, continue to subjugate the planet’s other inhabitants using science.

主机板的问题没有能够征服的频率,系统总线500兆赫。The motherboardin question did not make possible to subjugate the frequency of system bus in 500 MHz.

在克隆战争期间,分离主义者的机械大军入侵卡西克,试图征服它。During the Clone Wars, the Separatists attempted to subjugate Kashyyyk by invading it with their droid armies.

他们的将军不断公开吹嘘未来的战斗机入侵美国并要用中国人的规则来征服我们。Their Generals continually publicly boast about future plans to invade America and subjugate us under Chinese rule.

卡扎菲宗旨的显著特征就是为了谋取个人利益竭力去压制人民和分裂利比亚。Gaddafi's rule was characterised by a concerted effort to subjugate and divide the Libyan people for his own benefit.

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其目的是压制和打击人民的积极性,因为这可以让实权派继续统治不会沦为反对派。The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.

但当帝国意欲征服蒙卡拉马里时,许多夸润人支援了他们同星球的盟友,抵挡住了入侵。When the Empire attempted to subjugate Mon Calamari, many Quarren joined their world-mates to throw off the invasion.

这项工程被称为南水北调工程,是一项中国试图征服自然的雄心计划。The engineering feat, called the South-North Water Diversion Project, is China’s most ambitious attempt to subjugate nature.

还跟他打官腔安慰了他一番,最后说如果没有事情就不要联系他了。Still talking lawful jargon to comfort him with him is some kind of, finally say if didn't subjugate not to be contacting him.

公元1462年,君士坦丁堡受到土耳其人的袭击,德考拉伯爵受命征讨土耳其军。In 1462, Constantinople received Turk's attack, the German collarktranslitk count is ordered to subjugate the Turkish armed force.

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你说这个钱宝庆也真是的,怎么有事没事都想和我过不去呢?You say this money treasure to celebrate is really also of, how subjugate to have no matters to all think to can not pass with me?

在斯克阿将军的领导下,帝国特工计划征服希瓦四号行星,强迫当地能征善战的人民去帝国军服役。Imperial agents, led by General Sk'ar, planned to subjugate Shiva IV, and force its warrior populace into Imperial military service.

不久之后,朱庇特人到来而艾玛帝国试图征服他们的努力无效,导致了一场屈辱的失败。Soon after, the Jovians arrived on the scene and the Amarrians made a futile attempt to subjugate them, resulting in a humiliating defeat.