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盗贼撬开了一扇窗。The burglar jimmied a window.

警察逮捕了窃贼。The Police arrested the burglar.

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狗吓走了夜贼。The dog scared away the burglar.

爱的窃贼是可恶的。a burglar for love is loathsome.

这个夜盗开始向她勒索。The burglar began to blackmail her.

你家装自动防盗警报器了吗?Does your house have a burglar alarm?

我们提高警惕,抓住了那个窃贼。We kept alive and caught the burglar.

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窃贼在左寻右找值钱的东西。The burglar moused about for valuables.

窃贼偷了一些家庭的祖传遗产。The burglar steal some family heirloom.

那侦探追赶一个窃贼。The detective took out after a burglar.

非常吃惊地,夜贼环视了一下房间。Startled, the burglar looks around the room.

那名窃贼以机智瞒过警方而开溜。The burglar outwitted the police and got away.

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他们把窃贼送交给了警察。They gave the burglar in charge to the police.

一个窃贼从窗户钻进来,把他们洗劫的空。A burglar come in the window and clean them out.

窃贼从商店背走一大袋时钟。The burglar carry a sack of clock from the shop.

这些正是窃贼将要攻击的地方。These are the points that a burglar will attack.

她在将重箱子的盖打开。The burglar had prized open the lid of the chest.

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我非常吝啬,在我家垃圾箱里安装了个盗匪警报器。I’m so mean I’ve got a burglar alarm on my dustbin.

狗叫声把那个盗贼吓跑了。The barking of the dog frightened the burglar away.

两用电子狗热卖中,可当迎宾器及防盗报警器使用!Electronic dog hot, as a welcome and a burglar alarm!