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良好的分层可以带来许多好处。Good layering can cover a multitude of sins.

那正是很好的封装和智能分层方式。That's just good encapsulation and smart layering.

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各种关系之间没有任何分层和分离。There was no layering and no separation of concerns.

肯尼的解决办法是一个复杂的层次构建过程。Kenney’s solution was a complicated layering process.

层状堆晶在大型镁铁质侵入体中十分普遍。Cumulate layering is very common in large mafic intrusions.

当然,内衬一件带纽扣的衬衣也是不错的选择。Of course, layering with a button-down is a no-fail option, too.

当您选择鱼只时,应注意这种自然分层现象。Keep this natural layering effect in mind when selecting your fish.

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在这里,分层的方法很有帮助,而且有些预见是明智的。This is where layering can help, and where it's wise to think ahead.

一层一层的描图纸会给照片一种柔软的质感以及发光效果。Layering tracing paper gives them a softer texture and a glowing effect

其中,圆锥福禄考压条技术是繁殖新技术。Layering propagation of Phlox paniculata was a new propagation technique.

繁殖常用扦插。嫁接和压条繁殖,也可播种。Commonly used cuttage, engraft and layering are progenitive, also can sow.

高帮鞋采用做旧手法,双色叠加处理,更加富有层次感。It id used the old technique, two-color double lay process, more layering.

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成苗率也是压条苗甲醛处理最好。And the planting percent of formaldehyde treated layering plant was the best.

在应用服务器容器的上下文中考虑分层将有助于理解。It helps to think about layering in the context of an application server container.

纳什没有层次感的声音与音乐同样的事情,创造一个不寻常的的时机。Nash did the same thing with music by layering sounds and creating an unusual timing.

这就是许多技术使用的多层背景图像的基本概念。This employs the basic concept of layering background images that many techniques use.

中长直发到长直发,中分,接近发梢的部分打一点层次。A straight mid-length to long cut, with a center part and light layering around the ends.

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经1230度高温烧制完成,作品呈现色彩的层次感与手作质感。The final works present layering colors and handmade feeling after fire it to 1230 degree.

组合及布局的原则形成了总体城市和建筑的主旋律。The principle of joining and layering forms the general urban and architectural leitmotif.

小笠原资料馆的新建筑,是一栋玻璃屋,它是带一点曲线、透明却有层次感的方盒子。The building is a glass house , it is layering a transparent square box with a little curve.