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一只猫鼬在喀拉哈里搜寻猎物A meerkat scouting for predators in the Kalahari

它们因其居住地卡拉哈里沙漠得名。They get their name from their home -- the Kalahari Desert.

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2002年,布须曼人被赶出中央卡拉哈里动物保护区。In 2002, the Bushmen were evicted from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.

喀拉哈里的两只好望角小狐狸在大狐狸外出觅食期间嬉戏。Two Cape fox pups frolic while the adults are out foraging in the Kalahari

她说,“戴比尔斯于2003年停止了在中喀拉哈里狩猎保护区的所有活动。De Beers ceased all operations in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in 2003.

此外,他甚至还研究了非洲卡拉哈�沙漠内地人民的音律。He has even explored the rhythms of the Bush people of the Kalahari Desert in Africa.

这种名为海岛猫鼬的动物生活在南非喀拉哈里沙漠。Watchful meerkats scout for predators outside their burrow in the South African Kalahari.

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他们最终找到了这块位于博茨瓦纳卡拉哈里沙漠一个称做欺骗谷的地方。They eventually found their way to a place called Deception Valley, in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana.

刺角瓜也被称作果冻瓜或者英国番茄,它是非洲喀拉哈里沙漠的土特产。Horned melon is also called jelly melon or English tomato. The fruit is native to Kalahari Desert in Africa.

詹姆斯·G·沃克曼在记录卡拉哈里沙漠的丛林布须曼人传奇,更在谱写有关水的更宏大的诗篇,这是21世纪之战。In chronicling the Kalahari Bushmen's saga, James G Workman explores the larger story of water, a 21st-century battleground.

这片土地从南到北延伸500英里,而从骷髅海岸到卡拉哈利草原是75英里。It stretches for more than 500 miles from north to south, and 75 miles from the Skeleton Coast to the grasslands of the Kalahari.

这张喀拉哈里沙漠猫鼬的局部特写照片显示出其强健有力的耙子状爪子,这是其适应洞穴生活的一项重要特征。A close-up of meerkat in the Kalahari Desert shows its sturdy, rakelike claws, an important adaptation for their tunneling lifestyle.

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在喀拉哈里沙漠中看似空旷的风景里,充满了为布须曼猎手所在之处暗地里祈福的痕迹。The seemingly empty landscape of the Kalahari Desert is full of clues to the whereabouts of potential prey for these San Bushmen hunters.

Kalahari的最新股价是240便士,而中广核的报价是每股290便士。全球对核电前景出现了广泛担忧。Kalahari shares last traded at 240 pence amid widespread worries over the outlook for nuclear power, versus CGNPC's offer for 290 pence each.

影片基于卡拉哈里猫鼬项目的探索笔记并借用了野生猫鼬充当电影演员。The film is based on the research notes of the Kalahari Meerkat Project and primarily uses wild meerkat "actors" to represent those in the story.

大象、斑马和羚羊,只是从非洲南部喀拉哈里沙漠长途跋涉,来到北方富饶三角洲的一部分动物而已。Elephants, zebras and antelope are just some of the animals that make the trek from the Kalahari Desert in the south to the nutrient rich delta in the north.

尽管有一位评论家认为影片令人遗憾的进行了虚构,但卡拉哈里猫鼬项目组对影片的评论是略有失真但面面俱全。The Kalahari Meerkat Project noted that the film was not completely accurate but praised it overall, though one reviewer found the "fictionalization" regrettable.

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在南非喀拉哈里沙漠恶劣的气候条件下,San人总是在迁徙,寻找野生水果、浆果和坚果,追随水源和狩猎。In the harsh climate of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, the Sanpeople are always on the move, searching for wild fruits, berries, andnuts, and tracking water and game.

喀拉哈里大羚羊国家公园以及剑羚国家公园组成了非洲第一个跨国保护区卡拉哈迪大羚羊国家公园。The Kalahari Gemsbok National Park together with the Gemsbok National Park in Botswana, makes up Africa's first transfrontier game park, known as the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

在干旱的纳米比亚,农民们一直在纳米比沙漠与卡拉哈里沙漠的夹缝中求生存,他们表示,近十年来这里的降雨量有所上升,草长得更高,食草野生动物也随之增多。In arid Namibia, stuck between the Namib and the Kalahari Deserts, farmers say the last decade has seen increased rainfall, higher grass, and more of the wildlife that feeds on it.