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他怎么敢说话如此无礼?。How dare he speak so rudely ?

爱丽斯无礼地把我轰出了门。Alice rudely showed me the door.

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请原谅我这样无礼地打断你。Excuse my interrupting you so rudely.

在公共场合你应该说话无礼。You should not speak rudely in public.

奶奶不舍,黑骡子粗鲁地逼走奶奶!Granny, the black mule out rudely grandma!

乔治无礼地闯入我们的私下会谈。George rudely barged in on our private meeting.

他以前从没遭到过如此粗暴的拒绝。He had never been brushed off so rudely before.

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我不能想像这个男孩对你说话这么没礼貌。I can't imagine the boy speaking so rudely to you.

“不要,”思嘉说,口气那么粗鲁,使媚兰都愣了。"No, " said Scarlett, so rudely that Melly stared.

看到他那样粗暴无礼地说话,她感到十分痛心。It saddened her to watch him speak rudely like that.

这样满脸胡子的东西,也敢出言无状么?How dare such a hairy-faced thing speak rudely to him!

在街角他把我的朋友盯得不敢与他对视。He rudely stared down my friend in the corner of the street.

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如果你被人粗鲁的询问你仍然单身吗?If you're rudely asked a question like “Are you still single?

她对你的朋友和家人不尊重吗?粗鲁吗?Does she treat your friends and family disrespectfully? Rudely?

那男人野蛮地冲她大声喊叫,她也怒目而视。The woman glared within the man after he shouted rudely at her.

依我看来,你在你父亲面前的表现太无礼了。To my way thinking. I think you behaved rudely before your dad.

你怎样加入B1使尝起来不会有咯的感觉?How do you add B1 to a smoothy without making it taste like rudely?

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他骄横而粗暴地对待那些太太们,并打断她们的善意慰问。He cut the ladies and their well-meant condolences off shortly, rudely.

“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”I said angrily. ‘It's none of your business, ’ the young man said rudely.

他那支仅用披巾胡乱包扎一下的左臂,现在沉甸甸地垂在身旁不能动弹。His left arm, rudely bandaged in a shawl, hung heavy and useless at his side.