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我需要一个急救包!I need a med pack!

是指本科学位和毕业证明吗?B. Med. degree and grad certificate.

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他是亚列大学医学院的医生。He's a Yalie, college and med school.

成熟的镜下操作技巧是该手术成功的关键。Also the proficient technique is the key for MED.

一个月之前,你们还在医学院,受教于医生们。A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors.

这一名称来源于希腊的莱斯博斯岛。The name comes from the greek island of Lesbos, in the Med.

地中海俱乐部去年11月在中国东北开设了一家滑雪场。Club Med opened a ski resort in China's northeast in November.

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因此,美语版还有提高的空间和必要。Thus, in some respects, the AmE version of MED needs improving.

兄弟会,医学院和其实会欺负新人的机构。Fraternities and med schools and other organizations haze people.

这是濒临地中海,以及瓦伦西亚和穆尔西亚地区。It is bordered by the Med as well as Valencia and the Murcia region.

副主席说话吞吞吐吐,没有给个明确的答复。The deputy chairman hem med and hawed without giving a definite answer.

郭广昌曾和德斯坦在地中海俱乐部位于意大利阿尔卑斯山的一个度假胜地滑雪。Guo has gone skiing with d'Etaing at a Club Med resort in the Italian Alps.

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但是这些作用都很有限,除非南地中海自己走向繁荣。But none of that will count for much unless the southern Med chooses prosperity.

联盟成员国不再需要像以前那样在谈判桌上怒目而视。The members of Club Med no longer need to glower across the table at each other.

医学专业的学生仅大一新生就是考古学的全系的两倍。The number of first year Med students is twice of the total of Archaeology Dept.

无法完成比赛的博尔特在莫斯埃斯帕的一间医疗中心养伤,直至康复。Unable to finish the race, Bolt recovered from his injuries at a Mos Espa med center.

前三个医学学生很生气,因为他们等了我十一分钟了。The first three med students are ornery because they have been waiting for 11 minutes.

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为了进行这项研究,他们准备在本赛季每晚至少睡足10个小时。For the study, they ai med for at least ten hours of sleep each night during the season.

一些研究表明,但是这种精神类药物可能会消除他莫昔芬的症状--抗击的有益之处。But the mood med may cancel out tamoxifen's disease-fighting benefits, findings indicate.

地中海研究项目志愿者采集的样本百分之九十都是这样构成的。Ninety percent of the samples the volunteers from Expedition MED took had such fragments.