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好,这一段是导奏。Okay.This is the intro.

那么,这段是引子Okay, so that's the intro.

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这是一些进行简单介绍的幻灯片Here are my simple intro slides

请提交简历和介绍。Please submit resume and intro.

这是个哲学导论课程。This is an intro philosophy class.

我们都学过经济学入门课程We spend all our time in intro. Econ.

增加了一个新的介绍主题,叫做“Slate”A new intro theme called "Slate" has been added

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这是全曲的前奏及尾声。This is the full song with the intro and ending.

持INTRO2010音乐节门票副券2免费入场。Free entry with INTRO 2010 festival ticket second stub.

所以,这将会是我们新的介绍,向教训,在此。So that will be our new intro to the lessons from hereon.

消除重点或点击屏幕上的空间介绍吧。Eliminate the click screen to focus or space bar on the intro.

有时候,在我的介绍课上,我采用这种方法。And sometimes in my intro classes that's the approach that I take.

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更好的方法是,自己带一个口袋便携式烟灰缸在INTRO中使用。Better yet, bring your own portable pocket ashtray to use at INTRO.

导论课程的关键就是第一节哲学课。The crucial point about intro is it means first class in philosophy.

我在心理学介绍之中学到了,而你的同学就会非常的高兴。I learned that in Intro Psych. And your roommate would be very pleased.

如果我问别人,“你这学期的心理学导论学到怎么样?”If I asked people, "How well are you doing in Intro Psych this semester?"

我要为网站使用现有标志介绍精彩视频动画。I want a exciting video animation for a site intro using the existing logo.

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如果你从未玩过扫雷游戏,这里是一个快速介绍给它。If you have never played the Minesweeper game, here is a quick intro to it.

每5KG用塑膜真空封装,并装入干燥剂。Product Intro Each 5KG be packed in a vacuumed polybag, enclosed with drier.

我给你们介绍一下儿,这位是新同学,是我的同屋。I have a little intro for you, this person is new student, he is my roommate.