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在C3-C6两组中,还记录了早期疼痛的偏侧性。The laterality of early pain in the C3-C6 groups was recorded.

结果病患的年龄、性别、高血压有无及手术时间长短与术后并发症发生机率无关。Age, Sex, laterality , presence of systemic hypertension, operation time were not associated with the complication.

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两端支承,中间受力的结构形式,具有自动复位,抗偏抗伸能力。Supported at two ends and receiving stress in their middle parts, automatic reset, resistant To deviation and laterality.

左或右利手和优势眼似乎是研究大脑功能不对称性和大脑偏侧型的最可靠的方法。Throwing hand and dominant eye seems to be a most reliable way for detecting functional asymmetry and cerebral laterality.

灵长类雌性动物在携抱婴儿时会表现出一种方向偏好,同时,婴儿在吸乳时也会表现出方向偏好。Females have displayed laterality of cradling and carrying their babies, while babies have also showed their nipple preference in primates.

病例组和对照组右利手者的额、顶叶在复杂减法计算时均体现左侧偏侧化现象。In complex substraction, for both right handed groups, activation of functional areas of frontal and parietal lobe had the left laterality.

相关研究表明,这两类偏好与灵长类大脑不对称性及其功能的进化有着极其紧密的联系。Some studies have demonstrated that the preference for laterality in primates is physically based on the asymmetry of their brain and the functional evolution process.

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口吃是一种常见的言语障碍,对此曾提出过大脑半球言语功能偏侧化异常假设。Developmental stuttering is a popular speech disorder, about which there has been a hypothesis that laterality of brain speech function could be abnormal in stutterers.

所有病人均监测3个月的发作频率作为基数,然后置入双侧海马诊断性电极。All patients had a 3-month-baseline-seizure count, after which they underwent bilateral hippocampal diagnostic electrode implantation to establish focus laterality and location.

这套计划包括富氧环境、慢爬、爬行、跑、上肢训练、失重环境、单侧刺激、智力训练以及非常好的营养辅助。This intensive daily program included oxygen enrichment, crawling, creeping, running, brachiation, a gravity free environment, laterality activities, an intellectual program, and excellent nutrition.