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汤米是一片叶子。Tommy was a leaf.

汤米问这叶子。Tommy asked the leaf.

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你以为我是汤米·巴哈马吗?Who am I, Tommy Bahama?

只是个抄袭者。Tommy is just a copycat.

于是请她母亲转告,汤米说。So to her mother, Tommy said.

汤米把硬币吞下去了。Tommy had swallowed the coins.

汤米为什么不接那球?Why didn't Tommy get the ball?

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汤米把猫咪放在井里了。Tommy put Pussycat in the well.

我和汤米.凯普兰激动坏了。Tommy Caplan and I were thrilled.

汤米早已把它吞了下去。Tommy had already swallowed them.

汤米和迈克尔现在成了朋友。Tommy and Michael are now friends.

汤米搓着他油湿的手指。Tommy rubbed his oil-wet fingertips.

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汤米和枫叶没有理他。Tommy and the maple leaf ignored him.

谁把她抱出来?是小童军汤米。Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Scout.

可是托米和阿妮卡什么东西也没找到。Tommy and Annika haven't found anything.

“我能。”皮皮多托米和阿妮卡说。"I can, "says Pippi to Tommy and Annika.

汤米跑到外面去,门又砰地一声关了。Tommy ran outside and the door slammed shut.

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风把汤米和枫叶吹到了一起。The wind blew Tommy and the maple leaf along.

小汤米在数学考试中得了个零蛋。Little Tommy got a goose egg on the math exam.

他看着卡尔向街对面的汤米跑去。He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.