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漩涡武器现在作用于妖术。Maelstrom Weapon now affects Hex.

焦虑的人的精神世界就像一个大漩涡。The anxious person has the spirit like a maelstrom.

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肯定那词语的大漩涡绑不走我。Certain that the maelstrom of words will not spirit me away.

诺森德是位于大陆极北一片遥远的大陆。Northrend is the continent located far north of the Maelstrom.

这个时代的和平只是一个序幕,相邻的战国时期。This era of peace was only a prelude to the maelstrom of the Warring States Period.

名人是最有可能成为网上舆论的目标,例如杨澜。Celebrities are more likely to become the targets of the word-of-mouth maelstrom online.

有时候我们身陷生活的漩涡之中而没有机会花时间去享受。Sometimes we are drawn into the maelstrom of life without taking time to savor the chances we have.

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当城市中在进行残酷的巷战时,朱可夫开始在城市两翼布置自己的军队。As the city devolved into a maelstrom of carnage, Zhukov began building up his forces on the city's flanks.

然而,通过参与塔利尔广场汹涌的示威人群来表达自己的意愿,对于有分裂倾向的埃及人民来说,是很难的。Yet it will be hard for Egypt's fissiparous people to express their opinion through the maelstrom of Tahrir.

两个警卫和痛苦的囚犯已经无可挽回地陷入命运相同的痛苦的漩涡。Both the guards and the suffering prisoners have been irrevocably plunged by fate into the same maelstrom of suffering.

为了安全考虑,他们的萨满巫师消除了大旋涡,并在某位女神的卧室上凿开了一个船形的洞。In the name of safety, their shamans had gotten rid of the maelstrom and poked a ship-sized hole in a goddess's bedchamber.

随着美国金融危机的加深,亚洲虽然在谨慎旁观,但并不担心自己会被卷入困局。As the U.S. financial crisis deepens, Asia has looked on nervously, but with little fear of getting dragged into the maelstrom.

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他们有能力使用一定程度的原力技能诸如原力闪电、原力冲击、原力推拉、原力锁喉以及以原因干扰他人思想。They were capable of using a range of Force abilities such as Force lightning, Force Repulse, Force Push, Force Choke and Force Maelstrom.

创造一个海湾,以不同速度吞没相反的能源,如爱伦坡小说中的能入亦能出的特别漩涡。To create a gulf which will swallow up inverse energies at differential speeds, on that extraordinary lines of Edgar Allan Poe's maelstrom.

人们应该学会如何从激烈的网络漩涡中剔除煽动性的巧言令色及宣传伎俩、并成为一个消息灵通且有独立见解的公民。One must learn to weed out incendiary polemics and agitprop from the whirling online maelstrom to become an informed and thoughtful citizen.

很多记者评论道,如果菲尔-杰克逊能够像处理罗德曼的“更衣室漩涡”一样妥善处理好阿泰的,那么他将和阿泰取得同样的成功。Many journalists have commented that if Phil Jackson could handle a "locker room maelstrom" like Rodman, he'd have similar success with Artest.

基普本能地导航飞船穿过科舍尔星系边缘的黑洞旋涡,展现了他巨大的原力潜能。Kyp demonstrated enormous Force-potential when he instinctively navigated his way through the maelstrom of black holes bordering the Kessel system.

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当你穿过附近的胡同,黄昏时分漫步到那里时,你可以忘却正在或已经发生的灾难性发展,这种发展已经让老北京城的大部分风貌不复存在了。Arrive at dusk, having walked through the nearby hutongs, and you can forget the maelstrom of development that has swallowed up most of the old city.

这个世界主导的资本主义国家政府已经卷入了最具资本主义色彩的金融旋涡中,陷入窘境。The government of the world’s leading capitalist nation has been sucked deep into the maelstrom of its most capitalist industry. And it looks overwhelmed.

根据Urbandictionary,maelstrom还是一支牛X乐队的名字,维基百科上还说,有好几个角色扮演游戏、好几首音乐作品都叫做maelstrom。According to Urbandictionary maelstrom is also a Kickass band and according to Wikipedia it's more than one role playing game as well as several pieces of music.