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开始交替鼻孔呼吸。Start with alternate nostril breathing.

左鼻孔代表女性化、温吞、平静和镇定。Left nostril is feminine, nurturing, calm and cooling.

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右鼻孔代表男性化、火热、激进和力量。Right nostril is masculine, heat, competitive and force.

印弟安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一颗钻石。The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril.

交替鼻孔呼吸练习——净化呼吸An alternate nostril breathing exercise – purifying breath

通过左鼻孔呼气,立即用力吸气。Exhale through the left nostril and immediately inhale forcefully.

他把从鼻孔里抠出来的干鼻屎小心翼翼地放在岩角上。He laid the dry snotpickedfrom his nostril ledge of rock, carefully.

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所有南美洲的猴子都有平鼻子和宽大的鼻孔。All South American monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostril.

露出一个鼻孔慢慢地呼吸,然后换一个鼻孔。Now open one nostril and breathe in and out slowly then switch nostrils.

轻轻按一下右边的鼻孔,绿色的皂液马上就会滴下来。Simply push on the right nostril and your green gel will ooze right out.

在沙子之下埋藏它本身,只有暴露它的眼与管状的鼻孔。Buries itself beneath the sand, exposing only its eye and tubular nostril.

用手指挡住一个鼻孔,用另一个鼻孔呼气。Exhale through one nostril, using your fingers to close the opposite nostril.

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挤一挤,就有绿色沐浴液从右边鼻孔流下来,真是又恶心又好玩!Just squeeze or press it and green shower gel oozes out of the right nostril.

考试之余折几只纸飞机,注意要瞄准监考老师的左鼻孔扔哦。Make paper airplanes out of the exam. Aim them at the instructor's left nostril.

较多的使用某一个鼻孔呼吸能够平衡体内冷热。Favouring one nostril more than the other can effect the heat or coolness of your body.

我只好在一帮幸灾乐祸的同学面前用卫生巾堵着鼻孔整整20分钟…I spent 20 minutes with a tampon shoved up my nostril in front of my laughing teammates.

注意不要将吸鼻器插入过深,并且一定要完全干透才可使用。Never push the aspirator too far into the nostril and always dry thoroughly after each use.

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它头上有独角,下巴有山羊胡,眼睛睁得如铜铃,鼻孔如同牛鼻,尾巴大如拂子。It is the head, chin beard, his eyes such as bells, nostril like nose, tail as calamagrostis.

口渴时,把医用吊瓶装满水,一滴滴的慢慢滴入鼻孔,通过鼻孔喝入肚子。Fill a medical drip with water when thirsty, let the water drip to nostril then into the body.

在麻痹的一侧,耳下垂,眼半闭,鼻孔不动。On the paralyzed side the EAR is pendulous, the eye partly closed, and the nostril immobilized.