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它是食肉类而且可以吃肉。It is carnivorous and can eat meat.

虎,大型猫科食肉类动物。Tigers, big cats carnivorous species.

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补蝇草是肉食性植物。The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant.

食肉类动物的盲肠很小。Carnivorous animals have a very small caecum.

这是我们向食肉者转换的一个标志。That's one sign of our carnivorous conversion.

北极熊是唯一完全肉食性的熊。Polar bears are the only completely carnivorous bears.

肉食植物诱捕并消化臭虫和其它小型生物。Carnivorous plants trap and digest bugs and other small critters.

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大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals.

你看,食虫植物沼泽,湿地是开放领域。You see, carnivorous plants grow in bogs, which are open fields of wetlands.

北美北部的一种有厚厚深褐色毛的食肉哺乳动物。A carnivorous mammal of northern North america, having thick, dark-brown fur.

斗牛狗也用于保护人们免遭其他食肉动物的伤害。Bulldogs were also used for protection against other carnivorous wild animals.

这些肉食性的两栖动物生就了好战的性格而且一蹦3.5公尺高。These carnivorous amphibians have an aggressive temper and can jump 3.5 metres.

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除了图片中标志性的捕蝇草,还存在许多其他类型的肉食植物。Aside from the iconic Venus flytrap, many other kinds of carnivorous plants exist.

狸藻类植物是世界上诱捕速度最快的肉食性植物。Bladderworts have just been named the world's fastest trapping carnivorous plants.

肉食动物的特征是大而尖的犬齿。The carnivorous animals are characterized especially by large, sharp canine teeth.

很多四足兽会在受到食肉类动物追逐时成群结队地奔跑。Many quadrupeds usually gallop in groups when carnivorous animals are chasing them.

其他种类的大型肉食恐龙可能也残食同类Other large carnivorous dinosaurs likely also engaged in cannibalistic feeding behaviors

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植食性动物和肉食性动物在生态系统里扮演着哪些不可或缺的作用?What are the indispensable roles of herbivorous and carnivorous animals in the ecosystem?

想看看弱小的食草龙怎么战胜强大的食肉龙吗?好,马上播映。Do you want to see how the puny herbivorous dinosaurs defeat the strong carnivorous dinosaur.

结实的食肉或杂食性蹠行哺乳动物,皮毛长而粗糙,爪有力。Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws.