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其中进化单元和函数单元并行工作。Among them evolutional unit and function unit operate in parallel.

沙拐枣的花粉形态及其进化关系初探。The pollen characters and the evolutional relationships of Calligonum.

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演化空间的恒定性是地物演化的普遍规律。Evolutional space of constant is evolutional general law of geo-objects.

谁愿意让自己浪漫的幻想沦为进化的过程?Who wants to have their romantic fantasies reduced to evolutional processes?

第3章为旅游房地产系统演化机制分析。Chapter 3 is "Analysis of Evolutional Mechanism of Tourism Real Estate System".

这是有声语言产生之前思维能力的进化开始发展了。Before this was has a language produced the thought ability evolutional start to develop.

排烧苗语虽然属于黔东方言,但是它自有其演变特点。Paishao Maio language belongs to Qiandong dialect, but it has its own evolutional features.

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提出了一种基于进化选择的入侵规则自动学习算法。An automatic learning method of intrusive rules based on evolutional selection was proposed.

探槽和钻孔资料揭示了贝壳滩脊的沉积特征和发育演化规律。The data from trench and core disclose the sedimentary characteristic and evolutional process.

通过引入进化学习方法提出了视觉TSK模糊系统新的进化学习训练算法。The evolutional learning method is introduced to train the parameters of the Visual TSK fuzzy system.

他补充说,“这就像是说,蓝鲸走入了进化历史的尽头,因为它们生活在海洋里。”"It's like saying the blue whale is in an evolutional cul-de-sac because it lives in the ocean," Wright added.

但罗马法的发展存在着一个流变的过程,这就是共和国时代罗马法演进的历史。But the evolution of Roman law is evolutional process, which is the evolutional history during Roman republic time.

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遗传异常分离既是自然界非常普遍的现象,也是生物进化的动力之一。Segregation distortion is a quite common phenomenon in living species and thought to be a potent evolutional force.

本文对道德博弈和生存博弈在中国传统社会的超稳定演进过程中的作用进行了分析。This paper analyzes the effects of the game of moral and the game of life on the traditional Chinas evolutional process.

本文以“严打”政策为视角,借助“严打”政策的演变轨迹,寻求我国刑事政策变迁的内在逻辑。The essay tries to pursue the changes of inner link of criminal policy by the evolutional track of Hard-striking campaign.

文中以平面度误差为例,详细地介绍了进化模型的建立及计算方法。The evolutional model and the calculation process are introduced in detail. The flatness error is discussed as an example.

本文还就不同作物间的进化关系及种皮纹饰在种子鉴定方面的应用问题进行了讨论。The evolutional relationships of Brassica crops and the application of OSC to the seed certification are discussed as well.

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第一章,从进化生物学史的角度,探讨社会生物学产生的历史背景。The first chapter discusses the background of sociobiology from evolutional and biological aspects, and it is external factor.

地球深既是资源、能源形成和演化的场所,又是地震灾害的策源地。Earth's interior is a formational and evolutional site of resources and energy sources and a place of origin of earthquake hazards.

从古构造分析的角度,解析了准噶尔盆地莫索湾凸起的构造演化史。From the view of palaeostructural analysis, this paper analyzes the structural evolutional history of Mosuowan Uplift in Junggar Basin.