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从圣马提尼克岛神秘的女人。Of the mysterious lady from St Martinique.

可能下一次你在马提尼克岛,就是单身了。Maybe next time ou're in martinique you'll be single.

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地球上第二小的蛇生活在马提尼克岛。The globe's second-smallest snake lives in Martinique.

罪魁祸首是马提尼克岛培雷火山释放的火山灰。The culprit was volcanic ash from Mount Pelée in Martinique.

②包括法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪。Includes the Frenche Guiana, Guadeloupe Martinique and Réunion.

迪恩已将圣·路西亚和马提尼克岛上的供电切断。Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique.

从很多角度讲,瓜德罗普和马提尼克骚乱应区别对待。In many ways, the troubles in Guadeloupe and Martinique are specific.

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我们在马提尼克和哈瓦那,佩带着圣乔治十字勋章欢庆胜利。I carried the cross of St. George in triumph in Martinique and the Havana.

马提尼克和瓜德罗普的加勒比群岛属同一范畴。The Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe fall into the same category.

迪恩破坏了圣路易斯岛和马地尼克岛的电力供应,至少造成三人死亡。Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique. At least three deaths are being blamed on the storm.

当法国人把一棵咖啡植物的剪报带到马提尼克时,咖啡几十年以后到达拉丁美洲。Coffee arrived in Latin America several decades later, when the French brought a cutting of a coffee plant to Martinique.

她是一位非常不错的女人,生于西印度群岛的马提尼克岛,住在巴黎,因为她父亲是在那里工作的一位外交官。She was an amazing woman, born in Martinique in the West Indies, living in Paris because her father was a diplomat there.

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因此,马提尼克岛每年吸引了无数的旅游者前往,其中大部分是来自世界各地的矮个子。Therefore, Martinique annually attract countless tourists to, the majority of whom come from all over the world Aigan son.

矮个子来到这个岛上住上一个时期,就会长高几厘米,因此,人们称马提尼克岛为“矮子的乐园”。Aigan son came to live on this island for a period, the president of a few inches, so that people Martinique "Dwarfs paradise."

最终,船到达马提尼克岛,咖啡树被种在了这里,树的周围竖起了带刺的篱笆,由奴隶看守。Finally, the ship arrived in Martinique and the coffee tree was replanted, where it was surrounded by a thorn hedge and watched over by slaves.

借助Facebook,华纳兄弟终有一天有可能覆盖从约旦和塞内加尔到博茨瓦纳和马提尼克岛的200多个国家的6亿多用户。With Facebook, Warner Brothers has the potential to one day reach some 600 million users in more than 200 countries, from Jordan and Senegal to Botswana and Martinique.

迪安升级为3级飓风,袭击圣·露西娅和马提尼克岛后风力有所减弱,造成至少3人死亡。Hurricane Dean has been upgraded to a Category 3 storm. Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique. At least three deaths are being blamed on the storm.

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班德瑞特斯酒店位于里约热内卢的安全地区,距离科帕卡巴纳海滩只有两个街区,可以步行去往戏院,电影院和夜总会等地方。Located half a block from the Copacabana Beach, the Windsor Martinique Hotel invites you to experience Rio de Janeiro in a pleasant area, within walking distance of several popular attractions.