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萨拉米肠,番茄,黑橄榄,香蒜酱。Salami, Tomato, Olive, Pesto Sauce.

剩下的抹上香蒜沙司。Top remaining slices with the pesto.

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你觉得你的青酱是最棒的?。Would you say your pesto is the best-o?

所有的人都给了她的香蒜酱汁五星级的点评。All the people gave her pesto five star review.

香煎三文鱼配上罗勒酱,米饭和鲜蔬菜色拉。Pan-fried salmon with pesto sauce, rice and fresh salad.

茄子、甜椒、节瓜与香料盐腌入味后炭烤,佐青酱。素食可用。Grilled eggplant, sweet pepper and zucchini , cooked with pesto sauce.

用3大勺香蒜和意大利面条与一号肉汤熬成面汤。Italian Stir 3 Tbsp pesto and 1 c cooked pasta into the finished soup.

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我把香蒜酱放在了全苗长意面上。我太喜欢这道菜了。I put my pesto sauce into whole wheat spaghetti. I like this dish so much.

提姆,我要一份乌贼跟一份凯撒沙拉你可以给我青酱吗?Tim, I need a calamari and a caesar salad. And could you get me the pesto?

火腿,青口,洋葱,香草酱,菠菜,火鸡火腿,蘑菇,鲜芝士。Ham , Mussels , Onion , Pesto , Spinach , Turkey, Mushroom, Ricotta Cheese.

如果罗勒长得过多,你可以修剪下一些来做香蒜沙司。If the basil grows excessively , you can trim it back making your own pesto.

柠檬和迷迭香意大利面配大虾,节瓜,樱桃番茄和香葱汁。Lemon and rosemary tagliatelle with prawns, zucchini, cherry tomato and chive pesto.

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这基本上就是用来搭配大肉排的西芹酱。This is basically Parsley pesto and accompanies the large steak you’ve just ordered.

没准儿他们是在为大大的干酪披萨午餐和香葱起司意面晚餐节省胃空间呢。Or maybe they’re saving themselves for a big cheesy pizza lunch and a pesto pasta dinner?

对,西兰花梗可以拌卷心菜色拉,大火快炒下,还可以做香蒜沙司。Yes, broccoli stalks can be made into slaw, served in a stir fry, or even made into a pesto.

上桌吃,或是在表面加上一层干酪油保存在冰箱冷藏室或是冷冻室。Serve, or store the pesto in the refrigerator or freezer with a thin film of olive oil on top.

情人鲜鱼挞,配西红花,蒜香罗勒和烧烤酱,玉米饼,菠菜和土豆。Three Fish Towers "Valentino", with Saffron, Pesto and Teriyaki sauce, Polenta, Spinach and Potatoes.

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其他新上榜污渍还有日本烧烤酱、榄油、蒜酱以及橘黄色的藏红花调料留下的印迹。Also new on the list were teriyaki sauce, olive oil, pesto sauce and the orange-yellow colors of saffron.

好歹她网站上也有浇上香蒜酱汁的烤南瓜通心粉和南瓜布丁的菜谱呀。She has recipes for roasted pumpkin penne with autumn pesto and pumpkin pudding on her website, after all.

如果种植罗勒,五周就能收获,自制的面酱并不用等太久。If you plant basil, you'll be reaping your harvest in five weeks, not a long wait for that homemade pesto sauce.