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你比桤木还要高挑和端庄。More tall and stately that the alder.

赤杨属于桦木科。Alder trees belong to the birch family.

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雪松或桤木是传统的,但枫是太漂亮。Cedar or alder are traditional, but maple is nice too.

在树木的战役中赤杨战斗在第一线。In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line.

阿尔德资金创始人,入了绿诺科技的股份。Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino.

好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder.

到了那个女生所说的地方时,阿德就停车好让她下车了。When they reach the destination, Alder stopped the car and let her go down.

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史密夫的小组由香港合伙人阿希里·阿尔德和凯文·瑞里带领。Herbert Smith's team was led by Hong Kong partners Ashley Alder and Kevin Roy.

左边是河狸,右边是溪流、山杨、赤杨和柳树。Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow.

但为什么实木台面包含有高密度纤维板?But why does a solid wood table made from American Alder contain high density fiberboards?

而与赤杨共生的微生物是放线菌。The microorganisms involved in symbiosis with the alder tree are actinomycetes of the genus Frankia.

没多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,说不定是他对本·亚尔德山上的“笼子”曾经是依依不舍呢。There he soon died, and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder.

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提出了较为理想的西南桤木木塑复合材处理工艺参数,能初步实现西南桤木木塑复合材的有效制备。As the experiment result, optimal treatment parameters were obtained which could be used to prepare Alder WPC efficiently.

我把我们村子的位置指给他看。村子就坐落在距离教堂一英里多远的平坦河岸上,四周矗立着赤扬树和截梢树。I pointed to where our village lay on the flat inshore among the alder trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.

就桤木商用种植的生产潜力、制浆造纸和材性研究现状等进行综合评述。The wood properties of alder is similar to that of poplar and birch which could be used to produce different kinds of pulp.

在那边小小的山凹之中,灌木已经累累结实,红色的浆果同白色的雪地相映成趣。Down yonder little glen the shrubs are drooping under their burden , and the red alder berries contrast with the white ground.

在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。Along the roads, laurel , viburnum and alder , great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year.

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具有不同性质和肥力水准的紫色土,明显影响到桤木的结瘤和固氮。The purplish soils with the different properties and fertility had obvious influence on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the alder.

在一个温暖夏天的夜晚他探究森林,发现一条孤零零的毛毛虫微妙的平衡在一个黑色桤木叶的茎上。Exploring the woodlands on a warm summers evening, he spotted this lone caterpillar delicately balanced on the stem of a black alder leaf.

实木单位橡树、枫树、黄柏树、红木、美国或欧洲榉、紫心木桤或樱桃都是热门选择。Solid wood units of oak, maple, yellow cedar, padauk, American or European beech, purple heart wood, alder or cherry are all popular choices.