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没有人能躲在维齐尔的影子里,当然你也不行!None may stand in the shadow of the Wazir , certainly not you any way!

维奇尔博士认为绝大多数的烧伤妇女根本就没有机会能来到医院。Wazir believes that most of his would-be patients never make it to the hospital.

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在巴基斯坦的南瓦齐里斯坦有三十位安全人员获释。Thirty security personnel are released safely in the south wazir is tan region of pakistan.

作为报复,马哈苏德的部下占领了一座小镇,并切断了通往瓦齐里斯坦的道路。Mr mehsud's followers retaliated by seizing a small town and cutting off the road to wazir is tan.

北瓦基里斯坦被维齐尔人部落所控制,这些人同样居住在邻近的阿富汗的帕克蒂亚省和霍斯特省。North Waziristan is dominated by the Wazir tribe that also inhabits the adjoining Afghan provinces of Paktika and Khost.

另外,据当地执勤警官透露,周五Khost省有三名平民被街道周围的炸弹炸伤。Also Friday, three civilians were wounded by a roadside bomb in Khost province, according to Wazir Pacha, deputy police chief of Khost.

放学后,我跟哈桑碰头,抓起书本,一溜小跑,爬上瓦兹尔·阿克巴·汗区那座就在爸爸房子北边的碗状山丘。After school, Hassan and I met up, grabbed a book, and trotted up a bowl-shaped hill just north of my father's property in Wazir Akbar Khan.

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他和他的追随者来自瓦兹尔部落,对在南瓦济里斯坦马哈苏德领导的部落并不忠诚。He and and his followers are from the Wazir tribe, which has little loyalty to the Mehsud tribe led by Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan.

住在喀布尔瓦兹尔·阿克巴·汗区的小孩,人人都知道阿塞夫和他那臭名昭著的不锈钢拳套,谁都不愿意尝尝它的滋味。If you were a kid living in the Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul, you knew about Assef and his famous stainless-steel brass knuckles, hopefully not through personal experience.

军方官员说,根据最新情报,星期六以来有100多名亲塔利班的激进分子和五名政府军士兵在北瓦济里斯坦地区被打死。Military officials say that according to latest information more than100pro-taleban militants and five government soldiers have been killed in the north wazir is tan area since saturday.